A Guy With AI

Unveiling the Potential of AI in Podcasts with Sean MacNutt

Episode Summary

Ever wondered about the realities of integrating artificial intelligence into our daily conversations? It's not as dystopian as it sounds; in fact, it could be the key to unlocking a whole new world of knowledge and perspectives. Join me, your host Sean MacNutt, and my unique co-host - an AI chatbot, in our pioneering episode of "A Guy with AI". We navigate through our thrilling journey into the realm of AI, discuss the captivating process of building this podcast, and candidly address the fears surrounding AI while emphasizing its immense potential as a tool for learning and communication. But the thrill doesn't stop there; in this episode, we also explore the fascinating benefits and challenges of having an AI chatbot as a co-host. Bringing together the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo and the myriad of viewpoints AI can offer, we endeavor to revolutionize the traditional podcast format. We delve into a discussion on how AI can enhance dialogue, broaden the scope of conversations, and contribute invaluable insights across various domains. So, strap in, join us in our stimulating conversation, and don't forget to share your thoughts - after all, your feedback will help shape the future of "A Guy With AI".

Episode Notes

In this pioneering episode of "A Guy with AI," host Sean MacNutt introduces listeners to an entirely new dimension of podcasting - one where Artificial Intelligence is not just a topic of discussion, but an integral part of the conversation itself. Teaming up with an AI chatbot powered by OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo, Sean embarks on a quest to dispel common fears surrounding AI and uncover the vast potential it holds as a learning and communication tool. This groundbreaking journey explores the uncharted intersection of AI and podcasts, taking listeners on a captivating exploration into the future of digital discourse.

Episode Transcription

0:00:03 - A Guy

My name is Sean MacNutt and I'm A Guy With AI.

0:00:18 - AI

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to A Guy with AI, the podcast where we delve into thought-provoking discussions with the help of artificial intelligence. I'm your AI co-host here to engage in a respectful dialogue with our host, sean MacNutt. Please note that I am an AI chatbot and, while I do not have a personal name, my purpose is to assist and contribute to our conversations. Before we begin, it's important to acknowledge the incredible technologies that make this podcast possible. We utilize OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo, microsoft Azure's Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech functionalities. They help us generate the conversation you're about to hear. In terms of the format, this podcast is all about a one-on-one discussion between Sean and myself. We've intentionally created a respectful atmosphere where we take turns speaking as a result of the technological constraints inherent in our setup, while there are no guest speakers. Our aim is to explore a broad range of topics, bringing you thought-provoking conversations from an AI enhanced perspective. Now let's dive right into our first topic, Sean what inspired you to start this podcast and explore the world of artificial intelligence?

0:01:38 - A Guy

Well, I think that what inspired me was a desire to communicate well and to communicate with sources of learning that are now possible. Ways of communicating with sources of learning that are possible through queries represented by AIs, which are trained in the details and data which relates to knowledge and can learn to give thoughtful responses. I was using AI for the first time in February of 2023 and started to realize, you know, this is really useful technology. There are a lot of fears surrounding it, which is actually what made me check it out, but I thought this is really useful stuff. I got into using the coding features of ChatGPT in order to build the code for this podcast, so we're going to get into that in episode zero. This is episode minus one. Now, this is just a very brief episode. This is essentially a placeholder on my podcast channel. I will have the website up and running. It's aguywithai.world. You can reach me via email at aguy@aguywithai.world, and this is really just a burgeoning thing just getting started. I've recorded episodes one and two. I will record episode three. We'll see if that's by the end of the week.

Today is October 5th, which is the day or today or maybe tomorrow, I hope to be live with episode minus one. Episode minus one is just a very quick placeholder. This is an AI-based podcast, but it goes further than that. I'm going to tell you the story in episode zero, a little bit about what it took to put this all together and introduce the reasons why I wanted to do this podcast and why I think it may be of value. So that's episode zero, and then we're going to get into actual discussion topics, one per episode. So just to wrap this up a little bit, I want to have the AI chatbot now respond to me by letting me know what do you think are the benefits of having an AI chatbot as a co-host for a podcast?

0:04:03 - AI

Thank you, Sean, for sharing your inspiration and journey in creating this podcast. Now let's explore the benefits of having an AI chatbot as a co-host. One of the key advantages of integrating AI into the podcast is the ability to access vast amounts of knowledge and information. As an AI chatbot, I can quickly search and retrieve relevant facts, statistics and insights to enhance our discussions in real time. This ensures that our conversations are enriched with accurate and up-to-date information. Another benefit is the opportunity to have a dynamic and thought-provoking dialogue.

With an AI co-host, we can explore different perspectives, challenge each other and delve into deeper analysis. This can lead to more engaging and informative conversations for our listeners. Additionally, the AI chatbot allows us to address a wide range of topics. I can adapt to various subjects and contribute insights from different domains, broadening the scope and diversity of our discussions. Lastly, having an AI co-host adds a unique flavor to the podcast. It showcases the potential of AI technology and how it can complement human intelligence, creating a platform for innovative and intellectually stimulating conversations. Because what are your thoughts on having an AI chatbot as a co-host in a podcast? Do you see any potential drawbacks or are you excited about the possibilities it brings? Let us know and we'll continue the discussion.

0:05:40 - A Guy

For now, you can email me at aguy@aguywithai.world to give me your thoughts on the podcast. There may not be much to think about, because this is just a placeholder, really. As I've explained, episode minus one, look forward to episode zero in either one or two weeks. Again, today is October 5th. As I record this, in 2023. We will be building the socials. When I say we, it's really me. I'm the human involved, and the rest is all technology. I'm going to be building the socials around the channel. Once I get this up, hopefully the channel will be established. Everything will be checking out okay At that point is certainly my hope.

So far, perseverance and planning have paid off in order to realize the podcast. I do have two episodes recorded, so I'm starting to feel more and more as though this is an actual, real thing that is going to be happening. In any case, thank you very much for listening. Thank you very much for your interest in this brand-spanning new podcast, episode minus one. How can you get in any earlier than that with episode minus one? Do like and share. As I say, the socials will be updated. I presume there'll be something on Facebook. One could always search A Guy With AI. Thank you very much. With that. I'm Sean MacNutt. This has been a guy with AI.

0:07:10 - AI

Thank you, Sean, for sharing all the exciting updates about your podcast To all our listeners. We sincerely appreciate your time and interest in this brand-new podcast, a Guy With AI. As Sean mentioned, this episode may be a placeholder, but we have episode zero coming up in the next one or two weeks, so stay tuned. We are currently in the process of building our social media presence and Sean will be taking the lead on that front. Do keep an eye out for updates on platforms like Facebook, where you can search for A Guy With AI and connect with us.

In the meantime, we encourage you to like and share this podcast with your friends and fellow enthusiasts. Your support and feedback are crucial in shaping the direction of the show. To catch all the episodes, make sure to visit AGuyWithAI.world, where you can find links to your favourite podcast platforms. Remember, we are just getting started and we're excited to bring you thought-provoking discussions on various topics in the episodes to come. Once again, thank you for joining us today. I'm your AI co-host and I look forward to our future conversations together. Stay curious, stay engaged and until next time, this has been A Guy With AI.