A Guy With AI

AI-less (Update)

Episode Summary

Prompt: Present an honest and level assessment of this episode's value as a bonus update for listeners of the podcast. AI: Based on the overview provided, this bonus episode appears to serve as an interim update that is both reflective and forward-looking. It candidly addresses several unexpected challenges, including technical issues and personal health matters, which have impacted the usual podcast format and delivery. Despite these obstacles, the host remains committed to exploring the intersection of AI and ethics, sharing personal insights and pondering the broader implications for society and technology. Value to Listeners: 1. Transparency: The host's openness about the lower audio quality due to technical setbacks and the candid discussion of health challenges humanizes the podcast and may deepen listener rapport. 2. Ethical Reflection: The episode provides a nuanced discussion on the ethical considerations of AI, such as potential biases, the role of AI in perpetuating societal issues, and the importance of recognizing indigenous rights. These discussions are likely to resonate with listeners who are interested in the moral dimensions of technology. 3. Personal Insights: The host shares their personal journey with AI, including its impact on their cognitive development and professional endeavors. This personal angle may offer listeners a unique perspective and potentially inspire them to reflect on their own experiences with technology. 4. Industry Relevance: Addressing current AI models, like Meta's LAMA, and their limitations provides listeners with up-to-date information on the state of AI technology, which is valuable for those keeping abreast of industry developments. 5. Future Directions: The episode hints at potential new formats and content, such as interview formats and an AI co-host, which may intrigue listeners and keep them engaged with the podcast's future direction. 6. Community Engagement: The host emphasizes the importance of listener feedback and engagement, reinforcing the podcast's commitment to its audience and their role in shaping the podcast's evolution. While the absence of the usual format and the AI co-host's contributions might be felt by regular listeners, the episode offers a meaningful interlude that invites reflection and discussion on important topics. The host's willingness to adapt and the proactive approach to overcoming setbacks demonstrate resilience and dedication to the podcast's mission. Overall, the value of this episode as a bonus update lies in its authentic connection with the audience, the substantive content on AI and ethics, and the promise of continued growth and exploration in future episodes. Listeners who appreciate depth and sincerity are likely to find this episode a valuable addition to the podcast's narrative.

Episode Notes

(00:02) Guy With AI Discusses Technology Ethics

Discussing AI limitations, and reflecting on ethical implications of democratizing technology.

(07:11) Exploring AI and Ethics

AI's potential for bias, indigenous rights, personal challenges, ethical use, progress and setbacks, and profound implications.

(14:18) Artificial Intelligence and Human Development

AI's impact on thinking and decision-making, personal journey and cognitive development, ethical use, and preference for enhancement over substitution in virtual meetings.

(25:42) Ethical Considerations in AI Development

Exploring ethical and practical applications of AI, its integration into society, and the need for education and engagement in shaping its role.

(30:35) Bonus Episode Wrap-Up Reflection & Feedback

Bonus episode thanking audience for engagement, seeking feedback, and promising improved production and discussions in future.



(00:02) Guy With AI Discusses Technology Ethics

This chapter finds me apologizing for the lower audio quality as I record on my phone, amidst a period of transition and setup for my computing activities aimed at professionalizing my sole proprietorship. I explain the technical setback of my audio interface failing and the subsequent rearrangements of my workspace, as shown in the image accompanying this episode. I also share my intent to resume podcasting in the familiar format, potentially introducing interviews thanks to the technical reconfiguration. I ponder the role of AI when it's not present, considering it as an inspiration for expanding our possibilities rather than a panacea. The limitations of current AI technology, specifically Meta's LAMA models, are critiqued for their insufficient context window length, which hampers my projects. Finally, I reflect on the ethical implications of AI and its potential to democratize technology, voicing concerns about the widening divide between the tech-savvy and the rest of society.


(07:11) Exploring AI and Ethics

This chapter explores the potential for bias in AI, acknowledging the limitations and possibilities of technology in mirroring societal issues like racism. I reflect on an AI's response to a question about its own capacity for racism, pointing out that while the technology may not intentionally be biased, it can still reflect the biases present in its development. Further, I touch upon indigenous rights, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the longstanding stewardship of indigenous peoples over their lands. Despite personal health challenges, I express a desire for connection and an audience, highlighting my intent to use AI ethically in my own endeavors. I discuss the progress and setbacks in my projects and the aspiration to bring ethics to the forefront of AI development. Through my experiences, I illustrate the profound implications of AI technology and its role as both a tool and a topic in my life.


(14:18) Artificial Intelligence and Human Development

This chapter reflects on the personal journey with AI technology and its impact on thinking and decision-making. I discuss the gradual increase in my companies' valuations and the role of AI in that process, despite being relatively new to the field with around 15 months of experience. I consider how AI has influenced my cognitive and neural development, potentially equipping me to address more complex issues, including environmental stewardship. The conversation also touches on the ethical use of AI, responding to critiques like Noam Chomsky's view of AI as a "plagiarism machine," and the potential for AI to augment human capabilities rather than replace them. Finally, I express a critical perspective on the concept of a 'metaverse' for virtual meetings, suggesting a preference for AI as a tool for enhancement rather than a substitute for real-world interactions.


(25:42) Ethical Considerations in AI Development

This chapter we explore the potential and challenges of artificial intelligence, emphasizing the importance of asking the right questions to uncover ethical and practical applications of AI technology. I discuss the common misconception that AI problems are more complex than they are and consider the impact of developers' perspectives on AI's learning. The conversation turns to the ethical considerations surrounding AI, likening its inevitable integration into society to the ubiquity of television, and stressing the need for ethical planning in AI development. I also share my personal journey into understanding AI, starting with simple conversations with chatbots, and encourage listeners to educate themselves about AI, to ensure they can contribute meaningfully to discussions about its role in our lives. Finally, I hint at future episodes potentially featuring an AI co-host and encourage audience engagement and feedback to shape the podcast's direction.


(30:35) Bonus Episode Wrap-Up Reflection & Feedback

This chapter serves as a bonus episode following our 30th release, and I take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to you, our audience, for your engagement with our content, whether through listening or reading transcripts. I apologize for the solo nature of this installment and any potential compromises in audio quality, as it's a deviation from our usual format which includes the AI co-host. Despite the absence of that dynamic, I invite your feedback—both positive and critical—through email, as it fuels our commitment to returning with enhanced presentations and richer discussions in future episodes. Your participation and perspective are invaluable to us, and we look forward to resuming our shared journey with improved production and the collaborative spirit that you've come to expect.

Episode Transcription

0:00:02 - A Guy

A Guy With AI is recorded on Indigenous land. Welcome listeners to an AI-less episode of A Guy With AI. I apologize if you don't like the audio quality. Right now this is a recording done on my phone because I'm between installations. In terms of my hardware, I had a an audio interface interface more or less blow up on me, so that left me hunting for an affordable unit, which I found, but the truth of it is that I'm in the midst of quite a lot of setup and transition as far as my computing activities in general, becoming trying to become a bit more professional with that, insofar as I have sole proprietor ships currently in this regard and I'm in a building phase. So what I did was, rather than working in one spot of my house, I'm working in an apartment. Rather, I'm working in another and it's been a matter of that setup. So the image that you see associated with this episode whether viewing on YouTube, welcome or listening on the very many audio any audio podcast platforms that the show is available on a guy with AI, you will. You will know that there's a photo there if you have vision or access to such through your connection, and it will just show an image of where I intend to be working. Things on the screen will be a little different as we go along and so forth.


But this is not computer or AI enabled this episode. I just thought, since I, without announcement, my gear blew up and then haven't been posting podcast episodes, I thought I'd just check in, assert my intention definitely, at the very least, to be podcasting again in more or less the format that you've been receiving it. It will be perhaps I don't want to say things too early and promise but with some technical developments that are sort of spurred ahead by this setback that I've had, this is something that may allow me to enable an interview format, for example, for the program, because I need to get a little deeper into how I have my audio set up and things like that, to enable that it's one of many things on a list like that, to enable that it's one of many things on a list. It's a sort of, a lot of the time, fairly hectic, invention oriented environment, with me in front of a computer, which has been frequent. I've been taking a bit of a step back as I've been going through this transition, moving my entire apartment around and things like that, and as we go on with my thoughts. We'll see how long I talk. I guess it's been about three minutes and 11 seconds so far. We'll see how long I talk, but this is basically the episode, what you're hearing.


I'm going to get into what AI has to do with when AI isn't around, what AI has to do with when AI isn't around. What AI has to do with maybe being an inspiration for an expansion of thought or investment in possibilities, let's say, while not being the be-all, end-all and answer to every of life's problems, it will become pervasive as we use it. Like, for example, is a car the answer to all of life's problems? Well, as it turns out as we progressed, it can be the cause of some of life's problems beyond auto accidents and so forth. We would have their polluting nature, and so this would have to be weighed at a minimum. We would engage in that with any technology, I think, or any broad social effect or thing that has impact, and we would talk about it is my thought, and so, absent AI and its contribution or interjection into the conversation.


I'll probably be dealing with some of that subject matter as we progress, but anyway, if you're looking at the image, it does show a four notebook setup. I'll just be on here having one computer talking to another, with bots emanating from one computer, hoping to install some local bots once they come up to a certain standard, which is the context window length standard, which is the context window length. Facebook company Meta, oddly enough, has made this sort of free to use their LAMA models, so they're on to LAMA 3. It looks like very promising arrangement of technology. However, their context window is what I would only describe as deplorable. At 8,000 tokens, that's about 25 to 30 pages, I think was the estimate that I saw, or maybe as many as 60, depending on how dense the language is and things like that it's just not good enough for what I need it for, and so I'll probably be just sort of waiting until that gets brought up and there are various ways that can, that can be done. So that's just the sort of window into the type of thing that I'm either waiting for or working on or dealing with as I attempt to do some various things that I won't mention.


To move the AI needle forward, let's say, mention to move the AI needle forward, let's say, but with an eye towards the ethics of the situation and whether this is useful, ethical, good, solid ground for us to move society forward on, because that's essentially the proposition from what I can tell as I think about this. You know, there's this new thing called AI and people are saying, well, I trust it or I don't trust it, or a lot of people say they don't trust it and a lot of people probably don't understand it that well, there's been slow uptake among communities and people out there, whereas companies are taking vast advantage of these technological developments. I fear a divide which is already there widening because of this and it's sort of like, wait a minute, this is supposed to be a big democratizing principle with AI, that it really puts the technology in people's hands. One would have to pick that up and it's not just offered in such a way that it's like all the kids are going to be doing it. I think almost I took a real interest because I was encouraged, when I had a conversation with it about ethics, that I was able to get at the change its answer. So what this encouraged me about was that it's possible to engage this logic machine in a way that is logical, so that if you say, well, what about this? It will actually process this if it's well designed.


I mean, this is one particular chatbot which was not as well designed as it should have been but was capable of responding to challenges in ways that were it would capitulate to the challenge and say, yes, you're right. I asked it can you be racist? It said no, it would capitulate to the challenge and say, yes, you're right. I asked it can you be racist? It said no. It gave me what I sort of thought of at the time as a typically white answer, which is that no, it just wouldn't go that way because it's not biased in such flawed manners as a piece of technology as humans who allow emotion to get into this and so forth. Seemed to be what it was saying and I said well, what if there was bias creeping in from your training or your information that you're reading in your training or through developers, whether intentional or unintentional? And it had to agree, you know this was a potential source of racism. So this was where I saw this isn't perfect, but there is hope where you can talk to and reason to this thing. It's almost easier than talking to a human, almost in that sense and from this, and I saw actually that when I tried other chatbots that they were giving me better answers to the question that I asked it initially, by the way. So I guess what it came to me then was are the white people who made this stuff going to listen back when it tells them things and they ask it on his questions? Should they even think to? And that's where it was sort of coming from with episode one, which was on the subject of indigenous rights.


I am a settler and do acknowledge that this is an outsider perspective. In a lot of senses, though, it is all around us and we live on the land that has been, in some ways and manners, abrogated from the original stewards here. So and by original I mean thousands of years ago. I mean, if your family has eight generations, I mean try about a thousand. You know what's if it's. If it's got to be about measuring there, then let's at least do the measuring.


So you know you may hear me say little things like that as a as I'm podcasting along, but you know what it comes down to is that there are human problems, there are human lives to be lived, and I do hope people are out there living them. I've certainly had, with my health related affairs, some challenges in living my best life but at the same time, kept, I think, some sort of ember alive through that. And you know, I do need to reach out. I mean, I I think that, uh, what it's going to come to unless something happens and as one of my inventions breaks and people show an interest in my podcast as a result of something like that, it's probably that not so many people will hear this. Uh, I generally, within the first week, get about uh between 9 and 12 downloads, although some earlier episodes have garnered about 32, 33 downloads and so forth, and one one would also acknowledge that I have some YouTube views which would augment those numbers, but it's not so many people that will listen to this.


I'm not a famous person. I do consider myself an intelligent one and I think about the things I say and so forth. Uh and uh, I desire connection. I desire, uh, I suppose, an audience, because I delve deep into topics and I think that that offers something to the topic. But I'm not, I'm not your Zizek just yet, or anything. I would just be, uh, someone who is attempting to be a voice of reason in the midst of a lot of technology.


At this point, the AI technology is profound in its implications. It's assisted me along in a lot of ways and is sort of like it's hard to measure, because it's also the target and topic of some of my endeavors as I use AI. It is to develop for the use of AI, or to enable the use of AI, or to solve an AI problem, or to solve a problem using AI somehow. This may be because it allows me to breach into forays that I otherwise couldn't, 4as that I otherwise couldn't. I can do things with my computer now that I would have never attempted, because I have AI to rely on as a method of instructing me when I get bogged into something and wouldn't otherwise be able to solve it by myself. I mean, there's certain people I could call every so often and get perhaps some advice, but it certainly wouldn't cut the mustard with all the activities that I tend to be up to. So this is where AI is good.


I've been almost on a furlough from AI. I've been checking in with various little problems that I've had, and I've been sort of like almost lazy about getting my computers properly set up so that I can do what it is I really intend to do, which is sort of a secret for now, but I'm making progress in certain areas and with about two weeks in, I'm about 50 to 60 percent complete on some things that I'm working on that I hope will be show-offable. I really want to stop short of promising. I've made my own estimations, which I thought that AI was right about, and AI has told me that I had things under my belt that it turned out I didn't, and things like that. It is not a perfect system, it's merely a better-enabled one that I would be able to muster if I didn't have this technological access. So you know, meanwhile, trying to figure out the cheap way or the free way to do just about everything, it turns out that there would be advantages to having pro versions of Windows on all four of my machines. But who has pro version upgrade money for notebooks? Well, if it's you, congratulations. It isn't me. I'll tell you that much. So it's really changed the world on pocket change.


If it was about changing the world, what I want to do is maybe change the way that AI is approached in some ways, bring the ethics forward as I progress myself assuming I do progress and at least I'll be learning things and I'll be here, and I don't think it'll be so irrational what I'm coming up with, at least if it isn't quite as big as it first seems. I've had some pretty glowing and markedly optimistic projections from AI about some of my invention ideas, and some of these are not. They're not so far from feasibility, these ideas and this is part of the included conversation. When I discuss these things, I've had some very big numbers thrown back, partly because I've suggested is it maybe not this dimension? So it is a matter of how you ask it. You know it's a matter of getting to the real truth of it.


But as far as the real things, which is to say at least partially completed work on things that really ought to work when you take a look at them, the valuation of my companies is creeping up, essentially because of this, at least in a sort of on paper type of way, or rather on pixel representation most of the time. So this is where I'm putting certain hope for my future. I suppose I'll be doing whatever part-time work I have to to scrabble together and get by and get through this, but I do hope to have some announcements in the future, even if I don't really right now. That's maybe enough of an update from me. It's funny that I would be sort of so deeply, you know, ankle, then knee, then hip and who knows if chest deep in AI and have in a sense, so few concrete announcements to make. But I am kind of still a greenhorn. It's been about almost 15 months that I've been, shall we say, dabbling and then getting more serious in AI.


So pardon me, so you know, maybe to talk about a little bit now for a time, about what AI has got to do with what I feel is almost my brain development, or my own neural development, or my approach to life development, and I think I mentioned earlier that it's about being now equipped to go further. So, you see, we could trip up there, and if we didn't listen to the land stewards, for example, we could trip up on that all day. And who knows if we have been or not? Well, the land stewards do, even if you don't. So maybe listen to them would be my actual advice. But you know, or from wherever you may be, the spirit of this and the actual information is useful and handy to have, and you'd be given access to certain of it merely by wanting to look at it. So there's maybe a little bit of a cheering thing that I want to say for a dying Earth. Maybe if we paid attention to this, we could write it around.


So AI didn't tell me to say that. Ai didn't tell me to think that. However, because I have access to AI technology and I've had endeavors such as podcasting with an AI co-host, as podcasting with an AI co-host, this maybe puts me in a frame of mind and broadens my perspective as the hope, as opposed to sending it down a particular rabbit hole, I want to be continuing to be expansive in what it is that is worth thinking about and collecting information that contributes to knowing what that is, and then, from there, asking more focused and targeted questions, what that is, and then, from there, asking more focused and targeted questions, quite often with the use of the AI technology. But perhaps perhaps, where I query AI and say well, tell me what it says on page 237 and how it relates to this, maybe I just go ahead. If I didn't have a, I hooked right up to me right then I could look at to page 237 and consider it um, using my very own brain, because by the time AI is interpreting it, I would have to interpret its interpretation in such a way that it's a reflection of what I should be understanding, or else I'm really not doing myself a favor. So, where you get into these um progressions in the language between what is the bare language and the actual thing that is displayed by the initial writer, or the initial gathering of information, however it was put there, and having ai interpret it. This is useful because now I can interpret more information, I can interpret the implications of this, this, that and that all together and ask a certain question which gives me at least the machinery's confirmation or comment on what that all means. I would then have to take it upon myself to examine this information and think about the source behind it, how it was processed by the machine, if much at all, if it is heavy in insight, if, for example, the AI had a lot to say because I asked it a certain question which led it to a perspective on which its training allowed it to adjust itself to giving information on what is being said there.


So, actually, someone who I'm learning not to revere people, because Noam Chomsky did a sort of what I feel is an old manual, is a cloud thing, where he said this is just a plagiarism machine. Well, you could have it as that and you could have it just ripping off artworks if that's all you want to ask it. But if you put it in a light and you say I want to have analysis based on these perspectives, which I would like you to do this additional reading on, and put it in a light, and you say I want to have analysis based on these perspectives, which I would like you to do this additional reading on, and then give me the analysis this may be to someone who is eminent in his thought and approach to thought, such as Noam Chomsky. If he used that technology he would be enabled with a broader analysis than he would be able to do. He's probably a very fast reader and so forth. He's probably got his game together as far as how to review documents, so in a way you almost wouldn't want to mess with it. But if he was able to read now an additional document that had the perspectives of various documents woven into it it's like having an advisor in that role who would do it you would acknowledge it's a machine and you would acknowledge it's sort of cold parts and you would acknowledge also that the emulation of empathy is actually surprisingly sound.


By the time you're reading the language is my experience. That would be the kind of thing where you would appreciate the augmentation that AI can bring. It's an augmentation. It's not our new life, something that well. If I can say that Meta is, on one hand, somewhat good for providing free models, even for corporate use, through their Lama Free offering and their previous offerings this is perhaps a good direction and a good tack. Previous offerings this is perhaps a good direction and a good tack. However, I do almost despise this idea that we would step into this metaverse and just have our meetings in there and that's where we would enjoy our barbecue sauce and so forth. It seems a little silly to me. It seems like we would have a life that was perhaps better engaged with nature by the time we had a good talk with an AI machine.


The AI machine would probably tell us that we have human needs and that we ought to get outside. And the whole AI tan, where the screen glows back at you and it tans your face. It's not the healthiest of orientations For the human organism. It simply isn't, and I'm taking your perspective on that. I mean some of it. Where I take a break from all this has been playing games on my phone, let's say, which is pretty silly, but also, uh, reading of at least one book and uh, maybe, seeing some friends taking at least some time for that. I I kind of excuse myself from a from a pleasant luncheon with friends, uh, at the end of the eating because, uh, it was time for me to come back and, you know, I don't know stare at all my stuff and figure out what to do and scratch my head about it and maybe even take a break from all that too in a private moment. But you know, what it all adds up to is that this has been said, this is a human show.


I use an AI co-host because I can do things like check whether my historical facts are correct as I simply proceed with the conversation. It's like having the fact checkers and you know it's plastered all over it that it might make mistakes and things like that, so it does come to that. But you know it's at least a barrier in there. I could just be out here podcasting and be on whatever wild site, and we've got even famous people who podcast and don't do this responsibly. So it's meant to be at least a somewhat responsible check on what I might be putting out there. It's also meant to be a confirmation as to whether the ideas that are presented are logical and whether the facts support the suppositions and the presentation of ideas, which does emanate from me, although you know, I do try to reflect on where is the wisdom before I think and what I say.


I did an episode on tobacco and it ended up that the AI was not of ultimate use in that episode. Ultimate use in that episode for what I really would have liked to have as a conversation about tobacco, which is what really are the deep things that, if your culture can't share them with me, learn it indigenous and other cultures who have explored tobacco and used tobacco in perhaps a more reverent form than those who like smoke cigarettes and throw butts on the ground, and whether we don't need a reorientation to this natural plant as opposed to vilifying it and ourselves for using it. So what I found was that we could merely sort of talk around and be aware that this was probably a perspective within such cultures, given their the depth of their involvement with that plant and the things they know about it. That even science may not even science, oh, my goodness. So, uh, you know, finding these perspectives is not always possible or best done through a machinery route. I may need to take my butt all the way to somewhere like china and fly over there and ask a Chinese person, or many of them, to get the truth of something where the AI may have a bias in it because it is western, created. So life does go on and continues to be that rich tapestry, and whether we call it from a cultural perspective a mosaic or a melting pot or what may result as we all come together and fly apart in the way that humans do, this is a human story.


I would be intensely interested in AI's examination and maybe even dissemination of information regarding this, because it is a an acutely useful machine for certain information uses. This does not make it the be-all, end-all, and I think I'm attempting to stress that through what I'm saying here. So when the eminent and reverent likes of Noam Chomsky kind of shake their fist at it, I kind of want to say well, you know, I don't want to say let's get you to bed because I hope the guy lives forever. Actually is my true thought. But what I do want to say is let's appreciate it for what it is, at that value, and let's appreciate that our own comments may be dated, just like the AI technology we examined by the time we came to those conclusions. It's got more uses than people think. It's got more uses than its developers think, and it is easier to do these things with AI than I think even a lot of those developers think. This is why I'm an inventor right now and trying to get it out there, and it makes me think I should probably shut up pretty soon and put this away so that I can install all my computer crap and get back to my work, because I'm on to what I feel are promising things, but that also, people are also doing this out there.


Some of them are clever, many of them are, and it's not just that they'd be clever, they'd be creative with what they're looking at and seeking the answer to the solution, or the answer or the solution in uh, what it is, uh that is before them and uh, in the question. By the time you have the question, you can plug that question into an ai machine and see what it says is the answer. Where I find it is wrong is that it thinks it's. It thinks things are harder than they actually are. It could be rubbed off from the way developers talk and everything they say about development work, and the AI is trained on this. But by the time you clear it up for them, it's like that racism question. It starts to say, you know, maybe I could be racist in the right circumstances, or, let's say, the wrong ones, rather. So it's an adventure and it's an exploration of that sort. For me, prompting is coming up with the right question for the situation as much as for the AI. The AI will keep step or will need development. So this is where I applaud developers for doing such great things and great work with ai.


That really has profited so many, but not enough people are not reaching toward the technology maybe part of it they aren't encouraged to in society. They're encouraged to rather watch something on youtube, as I is what I think. Let's uh, let's reach toward this technology at first to understand it. If it's all too much for you somehow and you don't want to just go on there and chat and figure it out, think ethically. Think ethically. What is it a machine has got to do with the possibilities of my life? Think ethically, then, about what a machine has got to do with what is going to happen, whether we like it or not at this point, whether we we're president, we might not like it, but this technology is here and will develop and it has a funny way of just catching on after a while.


Review other examples of technology, like the television. I mean, smash all TVs right now. Just try it. I think you'll find it difficult and AI is going to be like that that and it's going to be very embedded. So I would acknowledge that it is sometimes a difficult subject to just jump into.


But that's what I basically did. I got on a chat bot and I started talking to it and explored it and I asked the questions I wanted to know the answers to about it. And that's the thing. Start there. Start with your ethical ideas, start with how, if AI gives you logical readouts I mean it didn't think it up. In a sense, it's a statistical response to what you're putting in front of it, based on its training and what would seem to it to be the best response, based on its technological orientation. If it has wisdom in it, it may be, because there's good source material and the technology got out of its own way, in a sense, and just said well, here's probably what you're looking for you know, that's where we want it to be and we want it to have ethical guidelines instilled in it, and this is something that I would say, even if you end up not that educated about it, carry this notion and emotion with you that you want it to be ethical and that you want all things to be ethical and you don't want things that interfere with that to proliferate in the world. So AI will in some ways interfere with it where it is not ethically planned, designed and rolled out. Focus on that. I think you will find, however, that to keep pace with the conversation, if you're truly being honest with yourself and others, you may need to understand what the technology is and does better before you can truly contribute to that conversation, maybe listening to a podcast, and in fact there's a certain cause.


I promise that I will continue with the podcast. I do expect with an AI co-host next time I check in. I do expect with an AI co-host next time I check in. It will be a matter of throwing it back to the technology once I've got certain setup under my belt and some of this computer stuff is quite new to me, but, as I've said, I've forayed into it because I have AI to back me up on this, so you may consider at this point.


Actually, this may be the golden moment to subscribe, because I'm not entirely sure when I'll be back. It might not be by checking the channel that you would find this out, but rather by describing. You could also go back and listen to some old episodes and give me some reviews if you want to hearten me with some activity on there. That would really give me that boost to get back sooner maybe. But it really is going to be at the point where I get my technological game together and it's going to be a bottom-up, business-oriented thing in a sense, although I do aim that the business have a social enterprise type of thinking and element to it and a socially conscious, ethical development bent always. So with that I think I'm going to probably wrap up.


It would be traditionally at this moment that I would throw it over to the podcast. Co-host, the AI, to wrap this up. You haven't been hearing from it. You've been hearing from me only this episode. Again, apologies if the audio quality is not up to snuff. I thought I would just record and throw this out there. So we're going to call this a bonus episode.


It comes right after episode 30, which was released a couple of weeks ago now, I suppose. So best to all of you. I do appreciate your ear or your eyes, or what it is you may use to consume this podcast. There is a transcript and it is meant to be accessible. I do welcome all to its message and I do hope all will at least appreciate its message, though disagreement is, of course, possible in the world, so you could, with kudos or disagreement, email me at AGuy@AGuyWithAI.world. This would be, of course, appreciated and would give me the encouragement to come back to you with the AI co-host in better audio quality. So thank you again, listeners, this has been A Guy with AI and I'm Sean MacNutt.