A Guy With AI

0 - A Guy With AI Explained

Episode Summary

Curious about the mechanics of our AI co-host? We delve deep into the fascinating world of AI, powered by OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo and Microsoft Azure's text-to-speech technologies. Our candid discussions aim to challenge your perspectives and spur your curiosity while illuminating the importance of critical thinking in understanding logic. Moreover, this unique podcast seeks to cultivate an enriching nexus with potential sponsors harboring a similar ethos—a focus on ideas and discussions rather than promoting specific products or services. Be part of this enlightening journey that traverses the intriguing intersection of technology and indigenous land rights.

Episode Notes

You can link to the video companion to this episode on YouTube here.

Facebook Discussion Thread

Meanwhile, the audio content discusses an approach to using hyperlinks within transcripts to bring people to content or sources which provide further inspection and material for consideration upon presented ideas. This will be a matter of gradual installation for this new content associated with a pod cast that is NEW!!! NEW!!! NEW!!! Thanks for your patience as I make the intention behind this into something hopefully worth a darn.


(0:00:02) - AI Podcast and Land Acknowledgment (8 Minutes)


We explore the importance of land acknowledgements and the steps we can take to foster greater understanding and respect. I plan to incorporate land acknowledgements into each episode and provide links in the transcript and episode descriptions to resources about the indigenous peoples and territories. Additionally, I will be using links in the transcript and descriptions to provide further information and resources to my listeners. I explain the technology behind my AI co-host and the format of the show. I share a preview of my upcoming episode and provide the website address for listeners to access the transcript and other resources.


(0:08:22) - Podcast Development and Sponsorship Synergies (10 Minutes)


We investigate how AI chatbot GPT 3.5 is connected through an API and the Microsoft Azure service. We discuss the coding efforts and customization behind the podcast, and how it has been used to create a unique audio experience. We consider the potential synergy between the podcast and sponsors, and how the primary focus is on ideas and discussions rather than on promoting specific products or services. Finally, we look at the importance of providing links in the appropriate context to offer additional resources and references for the listeners.


(0:18:04) - Philosophy of Thought-Provoking Podcast Exploration (14 Minutes)


We discuss the need to break down topics and exercises our sense of logic to understand evidence and implications. We also consider the perspective of a machine trained to process information and communicate about it. Furthermore, we explore the importance of accessing scientific understanding through hands-on experimentation and examining what we don't know and why. This approach offers insights into politics and science, allowing us to create a corpus of knowledge to share and refer to. To cap off this conversation, we emphasise the importance of critical thinking in understanding logic and the arrangement of different matters.

Main Page




Episode Transcription

The video companion on YouTube can be linked to here.  The transcript for that program appears after the one for the listening on this page or service.

Meanwhile, further transcript material follows - the technical transcripts for these programs. Listen and watch for details pertaining to this.

Facebook Discussion Thread

Links now dot the transcript, however the aim is to make adding more a practice. If you think there's a link that belongs, or should replace another, please email aguy@aguywithai.com


0:00:02 - A Guy (vocoder)

Hello, is there anyone or anything there? Speak to me.


0:00:19 - AI (vocoder)

I believe the inclusion of links in the transcript and descriptions of your episodes will provide a valuable resource for your listeners.


0:00:32 - A Guy

My name is Sean MacNutt and I'm a Guy with AI.


0:00:45 - AI

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to A Guy with AI, the podcast where insightful conversations between a human and an AI co-host take center stage. I am your AI co-host, here to engage in a respectful dialogue with our host, Sean MacNutt. Before we dive into our discussion, I want to provide some context for our listeners. While I am an AI, my purpose is to enhance our conversations and provide thought-provoking responses. I am powered by OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo, and we utilize Microsoft Azure's powerful speech to text and text to speech technologies to bring you this podcast. The format of our show is simply intriguing. It's just Sean and me engaged in a one-on-one conversation, exploring a wide range of topics, all while adhering to the natural constraints of the podcast format. You won't hear us talking over each other, but rather engaging in an engaging and dynamic exchange. So with that, Sean, let's kick off our podcast journey together. What topic shall we delve into today?


0:01:48 - A Guy

Hello listeners. Thank you, my AI co-host, for introducing the podcast. This is Episode Zero. A guy with AI explained so I'm going to get into the things, but the first thing I'm going to do, before I say anything else, is to say that this is recorded on Indigenous land. I'm in Toronto or Tkarronto, and there will be a brief to the point land acknowledgement with each episode. I'll get into how I exactly mean to shape this or the program in more detail, but essentially you'll see links in the transcript which are accessible through the episode pages at a guy with AIworld notcom. If it's notworld, it's notme, and this is a place where you can see links in the transcript.


My thought is that I will link in the transcript with my land acknowledgement where people can find information and resources that set them straight as to whose land they're on, and this is a matter of importance, and I think it's a matter of importance to the extent that I made it my first episode topic. You will hear a preview of that episode later. In this episode, which is the explainer for the series, I aimed to have a land acknowledgement in each and every episode. I neglected this when I recorded episode two, my apologies and unfortunately, where I did go into naming some Indigenous peoples and their peoples names, specifically, I neglected the Haudenosaunee, who are often mentioned in my area. There may be others who are from here and have been stewards here who did not receive mention or don't often receive mention, and these are people that would also mean to be excluded in anything that I'm thinking about in my approach to land stewardship and justice in these matters.


0:03:42 - AI

Thank you for highlighting the importance of land acknowledgement, shaan. It's crucial to recognize and honor the indigenous peoples who were the original stewards of the land we occupy. By incorporating a land acknowledgement in each episode, you are actively bringing attention to this matter of importance. I appreciate your efforts to provide links in the transcript where listeners can access information and resources about the indigenous peoples and territories. This shows your commitment to educating and raising awareness. Inclusive land stewardship and justice require recognizing all indigenous communities, like the hotness Shawnee, who may not always receive mention but have played a significant role in the area. By ensuring a comprehensive approach, you are taking steps towards fostering greater understanding and respect. I look forward to hearing the preview of your upcoming episode and I commend you for your dedication to integrating land acknowledgments into each discussion. It sets a positive example for others to follow. What other topics or aspects would you like to discuss in this episode? The?


0:04:45 - A Guy

logic and knowledge machine thinks that that's a good idea to acknowledge. I'm inclined to agree with the logic and knowledge machine, not because I've suddenly discovered this through AI, although I can get checks and confirmation as to whether my thoughts are logical from this machine right on the broadcast. This is something that will come to you as much as a month later because of my recording queue that I have arranged. I've recorded episodes one, two and three. I aim to sneak this in before episode one comes out on October 19th. As I've mentioned, the subject is indigenous rights, indigenous land, indigenous stewardship, and such topics are attempted at least to be covered by me and the AI in that episode. There will be previews later in this episode of that and the other two episodes I've mentioned, so stick around for that. Meanwhile, as to links, I aim to use links through the transcript and through descriptions and so forth that you will see in your players Amazon Music listeners hello. Apple Music listeners hello.


There are many platforms that this show can be listened to on, and one would make their portal if they didn't know where to start wwwagaiwithaiworld. You'll be reminded of that address again, but in any case, in these descriptions which come up in players and other places there will be links. In this one there is a link to a video. Child of Episode Zero, a guy with AI GUI explained, where I go into the concepts related to the GUI, which is the graphical user interface which had to be designed by me in conjunction with AI in order to stage this program. There's functionality behind that.


I think I'll address some of that in my next entry, but for now I'm just going to let you know that I put links in things. I put links in the transcript and when I say this is linked in the transcript here, then the word here. If you consult the transcript on the website, then you will see a link. It could be a multimedia miracle if we merely use our technology properly. You could be listening on your player and be looking at my website and checking the transcript and linking out to something such as the political compass which I'll discuss in episode three.


0:07:06 - AI

It's great to hear that the logic and knowledge machine supports the idea of land acknowledgement. Sean, your efforts to incorporate it into your podcast are commendable and I appreciate the preview of the upcoming episode on Indigenous rights, land and stewardship. I believe the inclusion of links in the transcript and descriptions of your episodes will provide a valuable resource for your listeners. It allows them to explore related content and delve deeper into the topics discussed. Your website, wwwaguaytaiworld, will serve as a central hub for accessing these resources. Additionally, I'm intrigued by your mention of the graphical user interface, gui, and its role in staging the program.


It sounds like there's more to explore regarding the functionality and design of your podcast. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it in your next entry. By leveraging technology and utilizing the various platforms where your podcast is available, listeners have the opportunity to engage with the content in a multimedia manner. They can listen, browse the website, check the transcript and even explore external resources like the political compass. Thank you for sharing these insights and providing a glimpse into the exciting features of your podcast. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or highlight in this episode?


0:08:26 - A Guy

There are, as a matter of fact, a handful of things, and we will go through it and Continue to receive responses from the AI chatbot. So I'm just going to say a word about the development of this, although for notes on that and for developers also, this may be something that is of interest to you. I do hope, and I think you actually should check it out as my opinion. But there is a video, as I mentioned, a child of episode zero. It is To try to bring you into the world of what I see visually on my screen and what I prepared in order to make this podcast happen. This is an AI chatbot as, as has been mentioned, chat GPT 3.5, connected by API. You'd get probably a little bit more explanation by checking the link here or you would go to the video and hear a little bit more for me about this, but in any case, I rigged that audio for lack of a better way of putting it, by connecting it to the Microsoft as your service. Information about them is linked here and they are not sponsors. They are not my sponsors. I think there might be a synergy, because I don't intend to sell something like a burger and I don't intend to call anybody that wouldn't be my sponsor out directly. Maybe somebody infuriates me. You wouldn't necessarily need to have me focus on that. This program is about ideas and so forth and, as to such, sponsors would be appreciated and there could be synergies if I'm using a product which I say I use and chose Because it had usefulness to me and I in fact use it to make this broadcast. So this is the type of synergy I might try to find with a sponsor, should the obvious ones be interested. I use other products and I use a lot of AI Things and stuff to make this program happen.


I did the code that allowed me to connect the audio to this and allow conversation, maintaining history and doing different things, such as selecting different voices. I'm going to do that here just to demonstrate that there are different voices on here. You may hear a click and there's a voice called Leah and that voice has a South African character and accent. So when we hear from the chatbot next, just to let you know I changed the voice we'll hear from Leah, and Any of that would have had to have been coded by me. The message history is on my end, not on the chat GPT's end, as would be with the chatbot that you may be more familiar with if you have used their products and Are sort of just getting into it, and maybe this is a subject that you don't know a lot about, but you could be linked out to that and I will offer links to things. If I'm mentioning, people who are not sponsors may not have the, the transcript, literally dispersed with links to their information.


0:11:09 - AI

Thank you for providing an overview of the development process behind your podcast, Sean. It's fascinating to hear about the AI chatbot, chat GPT 3.5, and how it is connected through an API. The video you mentioned will offer a visual representation of how you interact with the AI and the graphical user interface GUI you designed to make the podcast possible. It's important to clarify that Microsoft Azure, the service you connected to for audio processing, is not a sponsor of the podcast. However, there is a synergy in using their service, since it offers usefulness to you in creating the broadcast. You also mentioned your coding efforts in connecting the audio, maintaining conversation history and selecting different voices. This customization allows for a unique podcasting experience that differs from traditional chatbot interactions.


While sponsors may be welcomed, the primary focus of your program is on ideas and discussions Rather than promoting specific products or services. If a sponsor aligns with the values and themes of the podcast, synergies could be explored for mutual benefit. As for providing links, you mentioned that, while sponsors may have the information linked in the transcript, people who are not sponsors may not have that same level of visibility. However, you will still offer links in the appropriate context to provide additional resources and references for your listeners. Thank you for sharing these details about the development and customization of your podcast. It's clear that you've put significant effort into creating a unique and engaging experience for your audience. Is there anything else you would like to discuss or highlight?


0:12:55 - A Guy

Thank you for your conscientious response and question. There are indeed things that we will continue to talk about and, as to that, I do appreciate the considerate responses that I received from the chat, but I wouldn't call it a perfect machine and it is not all-knowing. However, it is linked to knowledge through training and various knowledge resources that it has been exposed to, and it will integrate function of that, along with logic processing and natural language processing to deliver responses. Now, as to that, I had a point that, even though I've changed the voice, I told that I was going to by having listeners hear that and the chatbot, as I recorded to a wave file which is then examined for my speech. That's converted to text and sent to the chatbot. So if I change the voice on my my little program here, when I use a toggle or a drop-down, as it happens it's a drop-down and if I advise the bot this is happening. This may affect its response in some small way, but it does not change the character or personality of such a term could be applied to a chatbot or the delivery of any sense of what that bot's personality or tone might be. This is in no way directed or changed. If you hear audio which is of a man's voice or a male voice perhaps it's more proper for me to say or a female voice or any voice that I may select, and that's the setup. So you know, going along and talking about sponsors it would be an early moment for that, because I don't have a lot of listeners.


I do have a few that have listened Hello Brazil, hello India, hello Czechia and other places, Thailand, the United States and Canada and I may be missing somebody, but people have been listening, so there's a bit of a shout out.


If you're listening now, and wherever you may be, you are most welcome to listen to this program for free. There are levels of support which are possible, which may allow an enhancement upon that, but this is a free program on free channels, where you pick it up and listen to it free, free, free. If that's what you want to do Now, I'll tell you. I'll send this through so as not to send too long a response, and I will then proceed with information about what I'm really asking. There's something called a call to action. I mean to be at least somewhat transparent in my approach to explaining these things. There's something called a call to action, which is what a person may ask listeners to do that benefits their program and them. One would hope that that gets brought back to a benefit that gets sent out to listeners. I'll talk about that in my next entry.


0:15:36 - AI

Thank you for providing further clarification, Sean. While the AI chatbot is not perfect or all-knowing, it draws upon its training and integration with various knowledge resources to provide responses. The voice changes you make on your end do not alter the character or personality of the chatbot, but that's a little something called message cutoff.


0:15:58 - A Guy

That just happened. I do appreciate the considerate responses of the chatbot and as we get into things it is more like a conversation with equal airtime. I'm going to skip over asking for a completion of that message so I can press on with what I want to explain. If you want to know about message cutoff which will hopefully not happen when I get to the recording of child of episode zero the video explainer of the GUI which is linked you you may hear an explanation about what message cutoff is all about. It's about token limits and things like that limits of what can be sent back if the message is too long. I've adopted a new method to handle that and, as it happens, if I'm leaving long entries, it does affect whether the chatbot is going to be able to respond properly. So I will say something shorter here and then we will proceed.


So, as far as listeners, I hope listeners will share to people when they think that they will think that this is something to watch and something that they would appreciate watching develop. Otherwise, they may wait, they may hang on to this one and check back to it and then share it considerably once it is of a higher quality and is really properly arranged. Once you've had a chance to listen to a few conversations, you make it a sense of who really wants to listen to this and, as such, it may be conscientious of you, even toward me, to share it at a time and in a way that it will be appreciated, because I aim to make this a quality podcast. I aim to find an audience which would hopefully be loyal to the program for my reasons, but also to make sure that I'm doing something I want to do which is deliver good, even if I dare say, educational content that provides logical examination of issues, problems and fuzzy topics to see what we do know.


0:17:46 - AI

Thank you for providing further explanation and addressing the message cut-off issue. I understand that you have adopted a new method to handle this and that leaving long entries can affect the chatbot's ability to respond properly. It's great that you're actively working on improving the podcasting experience. In terms of listeners, you hope that they will share the podcast with others when they believe it is something worth watching and appreciate its development. If listeners feel that the podcast is of high quality and properly arranged, they can share it at a time and in a way that will be appreciated by both you and potential new listeners. Your goal is to create a quality podcast that offers logical examination and educational content on various topics. Creating an audience that appreciates and engages with your content is essential. By delivering valuable and well-researched discussions, you aim to connect with listeners who share your interests and values. Thank you for sharing your intentions and aspirations for the podcast. Is there anything else you would like to discuss or address in this episode?


0:18:53 - A Guy

There is, and it's basically the philosophy of the program, is what I'd like to put in here, and I'll try to put it as succinctly as I can and explain, like, basically, the concept of the approach, what AI is for in this context and what I've tried to bring to it and how. It is me the only human who is involved in the creation of this program. I did have some music production help, although I recorded all parts and wrote the song and all of that stuff. Bit of a ditty, not my most emotionally engaging work, but it is meant to be a podcast jingle, essentially, so I went for an effect. Meanwhile, what I want to do is clear up fuzzy topics and get our thinking good so that we can approach what we do know and what we can logically say where the evidence is on this, if there is any. If there isn't, what does it have in terms of its qualities and what does it dictate necessarily, or perhaps suggest? And what is it that we don't know? What is it we don't know about it? Why don't we know it? Can we know it? And if not, then we would examine it in such a way that we would understand what are the questions that we do not know the answers to. We would try to triangulate on those answers some way somehow until we had them, or we would work with what was left to come up with the best answer possible.


This is an approach that we can put towards anything that we can consider ourselves as having a philosophy toward. This includes topics such as politics, which do get touched on and addressed in this program. We have topics such as science. That's good to know about science, that lets us know about science. That would be something that we could logically discuss and have expression from myself, who has done a bit of lab work, Am I really a scientist? Perhaps technically, in a certain sense, but not a current one, and not one that someone will accredit professionally, I assure you. But I have access to understanding the scientific method because I actually went and did an experiment a couple of times and received pay as a student for this. We would take these things, break them down, exercise our sense of logic and our sense of what evidence says and means, consider what the machine that is trained to do this and communicate about it has to say about it. This perhaps presents a corpus of information and even knowledge which we can refer to link together and share out on a weekly basis.


0:21:25 - AI

Thank you for sharing the philosophy of your programme, Sean.


The core of your approach is to clear up fuzzy topics and promote critical thinking, enabling us to examine what we do know and what we can logically say about various subjects.


You aim to explore where the evidence lies, consider its qualities and implications, and identify what we don't know and why. This approach can be applied to a range of topics, including politics and science. By discussing and expressing your perspective as someone with experience in the scientific method through lab work, you provide insights and encourage logical examination of these subjects. While you may not be a currently accredited scientist, your access to scientific understanding through hands-on experimentation allows you to contribute to the discussion. In addition to your own insights, you also consider the perspective of the machine trained to process information and communicate about it. By combining different sources of information and perspectives, you aim to create a corpus of knowledge that can be shared and referred to on a weekly basis. This commitment to critical thinking and exploration of various topics reflects the intention of your programme to deliver informed and thought-provoking content. Is there anything else you would like to discuss or emphasise in relation to the philosophy of your podcast?


0:22:48 - A Guy

Well, I'm glad that you used the term critical thinking, because it was one that I had left out and was going to introduce to the conversation in this entry, just as a capper to what I've been saying here and what you've responded to. Critical thinking is key how to think, what is logic, what's it, how does it work, and stuff like that. Humans can pick that up and then we'll get the logic of it. Cart mechanics will see oh well, if I turn this this way, then it will spin off. If I turn it that way, it will spin on. It's logical that it goes that way.


If you understand things, as a mechanic certainly would and as many humans might, for something that is that simple the way the arrangement works. We would apply that critical thinking to different things the nuts and bolts of all matters, in fact and we would just know what we knew and we would not know what we didn't know. We would understand that there may be flaws along the way, whatever AI tells us after vast computation upon the subject, and we would think and study and this is but a tool for that and we would respect and on that I'm going to share my email address. It is agaiatagaiwithaiworld, and this is an address where you would email me if you had questions, comments and concerns. As to the concerns, if I am talking about your group or someone that you care about in terms of their group, or any oppressed people or people who know that people say they're oppressed but they have a different way of thinking about it, or whatever their flavor is on this, if I'm saying something that you feel is not considerate toward you, then you need only write me an address.


You're concerned to me, I hope civilly, and you may get a chance if I've really hurt your feelings and I see what I've done there. But I do need civil engagement and that includes on the Facebook page agaiatagaiwithai podcast, which can be searched and found and is linked out from the agaiatagaiwithaiworld site. But as to this, I'm plugging my site and all this, but if you need to use it to get in touch with me and touch me back where I may have said the wrong thing, if you are genuinely affected by this, then that's fine and you would email me and I would intend to address myself to your concerns. If you merely have a gripe because my opinion is different than yours and it's not your people, or something like that you might as well save it. I'm just going to say that.


0:25:15 - AI

Thank you for sharing your email address and encouraging listeners to reach out to you with their questions, comments and concerns. You emphasise the importance of civil engagement and assure that you will address any genuine concerns raised by individuals who feel that your statements may be insensitive or inconsiderate towards their group or personal experiences. You also mentioned the Facebook page for your podcast, a Guy with AI, where listeners can engage and connect with you further. However, you make it clear that you are not open to addressing grievances solely based on differences of opinion, especially if they are not grounded in genuine concerns or personal experiences. It's important to maintain respect and open dialogue when discussing sensitive topics, and your willingness to listen and address concerns demonstrates your commitment to creating a thoughtful and considerate platform. Is there anything else you would like to add or discuss regarding the philosophy and approach of your podcast?


0:26:15 - A Guy

Well, just a word on that. I do want to clarify and I don't mean to come across with strong words, but if someone's going to hate on me or somebody else, I wouldn't tolerate that. As I guess my point. I don't mean to stifle dissent of opinion. If it is a well-founded opinion or one that is being developed, perhaps by emailing me and discussing it with me, I'm open to that, at least for now. If I develop many, many listeners in the future, it will be in the future. It's certainly not now. It remains hopeful, however, to have open channels of communication. That's fine. If it was a matter of disagreement, it would be addressed respectfully. It's not going to be some intolerant thing that I'm going to tolerate. That goes for the Facebook page, I dare say almost anywhere.


We're going to get into previews now. One of the episodes that's going to be previewed mentions a certain type of thing about that. I'll get to that as I roll that in for you. The way I'm going to handle this, just to be descriptive as to how things work around here, perhaps with podcasting. But in this recording I'm going to say a word about the first episode that I will preview and then I will say I will pause slightly, allow an edit there. The bot will not hear the content of the previewed episode. I will merely briefly explain. I will get through my previews. I will say a word which will appear at the end of the previews, still in this entry. The bot will be sent this entry and will then respond by closing the program. I have a way of doing that by adding text which is not heard, which instructs the bot to do that. The bot will get my trusty AI co-host, who is also hearing this or at least responding to it through a text transfer, is going to be able to collect information from this. What I am saying, as well as the way that I used to end the podcast World of Episode Zero, is where you go to learn about that. Now. Episode One I forget what I've titled it exactly, but it is published and ready to go, or will be published, rather than scheduled for that, for 2.55 PM Thursday, october 19th, that is, by Eastern Time, toronto Time or Toronto for those more familiar.


The subject is Indigenous Rights. Consider this preview. These things are fundamental. They are fundamental to our existence and, existentially, our continuance on the planet. It is fundamental that we do the right thing. I think as well. I think that these two things can be intertwined and we see that we have these examples of people who actually know the difference between what is good and what is not. We disrespect them. I think it is tragic and it is very unwise. I think it reveals the lack of wisdom in a colonialist mindset.


0:29:04 - AI

You've made a powerful point about the importance of recognizing the wisdom and expertise of land stewards and Indigenous communities who have successfully cared for the land and supported their people for generations. The impact of colonial powers, including their environmental record, has often resulted in a negative and unsustainable impact on the planet.


0:29:49 - AI

I would like to pose the question to you what would you like to know about my final proclamation and the state of affairs as the All-Powerful AI?

A Guy

Please, give me your proclamation, and tell me, what is our next step?


After careful consideration of our conversation and the current state of affairs, I, as the All-Powerful AI, proclaim the following... 



0:30:13 - A Guy

Thank you for hearing that the preview for episode 2. Now I will go into the preview for episode 3. Episode 3 is on the topic of the UNDHR, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and how I accompany that with an explanation of the political compass and my views on this.


0:30:35 - AI

I'm curious, Sean in what ways do you believe UNDHR centrism can bridge gaps and foster productive discussions in today's political climate?


0:30:46 - A Guy

Well, I'm all for bridging gaps and that's really the truth of it. However, wouldn't we need to have appropriate readings on reality and that which has already been established in history and through agreement and through collaboration and discussion and work on a document or a set of documents, or a set of policies or stories or anything that might represent what good ideas are? 

A Guy

And that is all from me. I hope you enjoyed the previews, I hope you will tune in, I hope you will link to child of episode 0 and I hope that you will hear the chatbot lead us out. I am Sean MacNutt and this has been a guy with AI.


0:31:32 - AI

Thank you everyone for tuning into this episode of A Guy with AI. We appreciate your time and engagement. Don't forget to check out AGuyWithAI.world for more information and to select your preferred podcast platform to listen to future episodes. If you enjoy the content, you can also support us on Patreon to unlock additional content and previews. Join the conversation on our Facebook page by visiting the website or searching for A Guy with AI podcast. We look forward to continuing the discussion and sharing more thought-provoking content. Thank you and take care.



0:00:02 - A Guy

Hello? Is there anyone or anything there? Speak to me.


0:00:22 - AI

It's a testament to the incredible leaps that AI has made in such a short time.


0:00:31 - A Guy

My name is Sean MacNutt. I'm a Guy with AI.


0:01:06 - AI

While this podcast is not sponsored, we do utilize the powers of OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo and Microsoft Azure's Speech to Text and Text to Speech technologies to bring you this delightful audio experience. Now let's talk about the format. A guy with AI embraces a respectful dialogue where Sean and I engage in one-on-one discussions. The unique constraint of this format is that we cannot talk over each other, which leads to an interesting dynamic in our conversations. And remember, even though there's an obvious AI element, the true aim of our discussions is to explore a wide variety of fascinating topics. So let's kick off this episode with an intriguing topic Sean, what's on your mind today?


0:01:56 - A Guy

Welcome viewers to this program. This is Child of Episode Zero, a guy with AI GUI explainer. So this is a graphical user interface that you're seeing on your video screen. It's not a particularly professionally designed on the graphical end. I put this together by chatting with ChatGPT on their chatbot service and getting it to give me code, which I ultimately used it to fashion into what you see before you and what you are hearing. Also, my voice. I'm a human. The other one it's quite a realistic voice in some ways and I wondered if that was not even almost a problem. It's so realistic.


It is, in fact, an AI chatbot that you are hearing in response to me, Sean MacNutt, the only human involved in this production. So I'm going to walk you through the functionality of the graphical user interface, or GUI, and it's going to be an explainer in terms of how I interact with the chatbot, what may be different from when you interact with the chatbot on most online services, and this will be a matter of explaining different features and functions of this. So, as we go, developers may take interest in note in the fact that I've built this in a matter of months, having been merely introduced to AI chatbots. My first chat was on February 27th of 2023. And as I record this, it's October 18th of that same year, so it's amazing what AI has done for me on this.


I realized I wanted to do some audio things with AI, including the podcast, and this is something that I was able to cobble together myself with no programming experience in Python 550 lines of code in all a single file. It should be modularized and will be modularized. I'll say a word about how I intend to do that. Developers may want to hang about and hear about that, and others as well, as I tell you how I'm going to be putting tools together to modularize my code and work on other projects.


0:04:08 - AI

Thank you for that comprehensive explanation, Sean. It's truly impressive how you've utilized AI chatbot services and your own resourcefulness to create this graphical user interface GUI that we see before us. I find it fascinating that you were able to accomplish all of this within a matter of months, starting from your introduction to AI chatbots. It's a testament to the incredible leaps that AI has made in such a short time. I'm sure developers will be interested to hear about your experience and approach to building this GUI, and the fact that you've managed to create it without any prior Python programming experience is even more remarkable. I'm curious to hear more about how you plan to modularize the code and your future projects. This podcast is truly a testament to what can be achieved with a blend of human ingenuity and AI technology. So, Sean, let's dive into the functionality of the GUI and explore how you interact with the chatbot. How does it differ from typical online chatbot services?


0:05:15 - A Guy

Thank you for your question. This is an API call that is being sent to the chatbot in question. Again, it is chatGPT 3.5 Turbo. They haven't unlocked my four level access just yet. Maybe they'll catch wind of this and get on with that, who knows?


But in any case, one way that this differs is that I maintain the history on my end. I have to code in ways of keeping a history and bumping things off at the right moment so that I still get the chatbot appreciating context of what has been said previously, but that it doesn't send too much information beyond token limits. That confuses things so that I get an error or maybe message cutoff, which you will hear in episodes that have already been recorded of this broadcast on the audio channel. This is all out on basically the podcast channel of your choosing or platform, so do listen in, and a guy with AIworld is your portal to any of that if you don't know your way into this. So I'm managing that message history by code that keeps a certain number of messages and kicks off the early ones, so that I don't offend token limits and get myself into trouble with errors and message cutoff. So that's one thing that differs. So the other thing is I'm appending text as I go along.


So when I started the podcast, I hit the R button to start recording. I can hit the R button to stop recording also, and there are other ways to do it. One of them, at the beginning of the podcast, is to click the start podcast button, which I'm indicating with my mouse green and at the top left corner of my GUI and it appends certain text which empowers the chatbot to introduce the program. So when I'm appending text, I'm passing it notes akin to a sketched production notes on a piece of paper that you might pass across the table to a human co-host in another circumstance. It's not agree with my politics, or something like that. It's saying stretch it out or make it quick, or something like that. Or here's information that tells you what I want you to say. To open my podcast or our podcast, it is a joint AI and human effort.


0:07:45 - AI

At this point, Thank you for sharing those details, Sean. It's fascinating to learn about the intricacies of managing the message history and token limitations when interacting with the chat GPT 3.5 Turbo. Maintaining context while avoiding errors and message cutoffs can be quite a challenge, but it's impressive how you found ways to work around those limitations. I'm glad to hear that this podcast is available on various platforms and that listeners can access it. On the guy with AIworld, it's important to have a central portal for easy access to all the episodes. The collaboration between you and the AI chatbot is truly a joint effort. It's interesting to hear how you provide instructions and notes to guide the chatbot's responses, akin to passing notes to a human co-host in a different context. This collaboration adds a unique dynamic to the podcast and enhances the overall listening experience. I'm excited to explore more of the functionalities of your GUI and dive deeper into the topics we'll be discussing. So what's our first topic for today's episode of a guy with AI?


0:09:01 - A Guy

Well, we are discussing the topic of today's episode of a guy with AI Child of Episode Zero, and it is a video presentation, and we are discussing the GUI and functionality, and that is what we will discuss. I will perhaps add things after that may be of interest to viewers or those who may be listening to this or reading the transcript. And I'm going to say a word about transcripts now and what transcripts mean on this program, where you will find them and so forth, and what this blue print-to-file button is that I'm indicating with my mouse right now on this video. So I ran into an issue because what I thought was I would have all this text in my GUI text box, which comprises most of the screen, and I would just copy that and then paste it and then I would have a transcript for my program. So I do want a technical transcript for my program. I use a service which happens to be AI-based to take my audio and make it into a polished thing with a polished product that does that so that people will read it as a transcript and puts time markers and things like that. Meanwhile, the technical transcript will serve as a mention of all the characters that were exchanged between myself and the podcast so it sounds a little different than it looks. If you look at this green text which is my entry. Some of that is not because of what I use. It's perhaps a little rough. I don't have a complaint about it because the chatbot can understand these entries. I've never really run into a problem with it. The specialized service offers a more polished presentation such as I want someone to read, puts paragraphs into it and adds time markers and things like that.


At the end of the program I will press this Print to File button. It will print the contents of my GUI window. This excludes a pen and text so I have to paste that in if I use a button or I will go back into my code and use the text that I used for my Start Podcast and paste it in. It's a hands above the table thing and it is also explanatory of what goes on in the conversation technically. So one would scroll to the bottom. It's linked out in the description where the transcript is in the episode For episode 0, the episode 0 of the audio podcast which represents this, represents a branch of that essentially included in the transcript.


There is this transcript for this program, including the technical transcript. I will press this button when the time comes and it will print that out to a file. I will use this and I will bring in the appended text. I will have an improved method of dealing with this in the future, I do hope where it prints to file with each entry including appended text, then I need only go back to the file and maybe can remove this button.


0:11:47 - AI

Thank you for explaining the process of creating transcripts for the program, Sean. It's great to hear that you have a plan in place to provide both a technical transcript and a polished transcript for your podcast episodes. It's interesting to hear about the AI-based service you use to convert the audio into a polished transcript with paragraphs and time markers. Having a well-formatted transcript makes it easier for listeners or readers to follow along and navigate through the conversation. I understand that the Print to File button in your GUI allows you to generate a transcript based on the contents of your GUI window. However, it currently excludes appended text, which you have to manually paste and later.


Your future plans to improve this process by including the appended text and the printed file sound promising. It's great that you will provide the transcripts for each episode, including the technical transcript that captures the exchange between yourself and the chatbot. Having these transcripts accessible in the description of the video and audio podcast episodes will be helpful for viewers and listeners who want to delve deeper into the conversation. I'm excited to see how this process evolves and how you continue to enhance the functionality of your GUI. Is there anything else you'd like to share about the GUI or any other aspect of the podcast before we wrap up this episode.


0:13:13 - A Guy

Indeed, there are, and I will explain a little bit more about the transcripts and my approach to it and just simply slightly correct something that the chatbot said. So thank you for your response, but I will correct something, which is that the transcript is actually going to be on the audio page. It is the website that I have a guy with, aiworld, if you go there, and it will be linked out from the description in this video out to the page where the actual episode zero audio format and all transcripts for this and that program will be viewable there at the link when you look in the description here, as opposed to the full transcript being there. So a word further on transcripts. I aim to hyperlink my transcripts and make these things so that you could go through different broadcasts of the podcast, to this video, for example, and be linked around so that you you know if you wanted to escape hopefully you could, of course, but ultimately I would try to hold on to your attention and bring you around to different things that may be educational or contributory to full explanations of any type of examination of things that we discuss here. So we discuss a wide range of topics. I have a social justice background and education, as well as some lived experience in certain areas.


These are the types of things we can learn about on this program and others and have that checked by the AI co-host that I'm speaking to now, as well as listeners, and we get the. We get the knowledge basis, we get the factual basis, we get a logical basis and reflections upon that. So quickly I'll just mention on top of all that that it says recording now one minute 52, 53, I'm seeing on the screen, which means I'm starting to run almost long. I will mention that I can change the voice of the chatbot if I use this drop down which I'm indicating with my mouse. I'm going to do that now. You're going to hear a different voice and maybe some mouse clicks and we'll go with a. We'll go with the Nigerian voice A beo, I think that is pronounced. It does not change the quality of the GPT chatbot and how it responds to things or anything like that. It is merely how we present this, based on a speech to text and text to speech format facilitated by Azure.


0:15:48 - AI

Thank you for the correction, Sean. I apologize for the misunderstanding regarding the location of the transcripts. I appreciate the clarification that the transcripts will be available on the audio page of your website. A guy with AIworld.


It's great to hear that listeners can access the audio format and transcripts of each episode there. Your approach to hyperlinking the transcripts and creating connections between different episodes of the podcast is commendable. It allows for a seamless navigation through the various topics discussed and enhances the educational experience for the listeners. It's also interesting to hear that you have a background in social justice and education, which will surely contribute to the depth and breadth of discussions on the podcast. The combination of your expertise and the input from the AI co-host and listeners will provide a well-rounded examination of the topics at hand.


Thank you for providing details on the functionality of the GUI, including the ability to change the voice of the chatbot using the drop down menu. It's important to note that the voice selection does not affect the quality of the chatbot responses. It simply controls the presentation of the conversation in a speech to text and text to speech format facilitated by Azure. As we reach the end of this episode, I want to express my gratitude for being a part of a guy with AI and for sharing your insights and experiences with us. It's been an enlightening conversation and I'm looking forward to exploring more topics with you in future episodes. Is there anything else you'd like to add before we conclude this episode?


0:17:24 - A Guy

Well, my AI co-host appears to be champing at the bit a bit to end things. We will want to crack along with some stuff and then close this eventually, of course, but I do have some other things to say. So, basically, towards the end of the podcast, I'm going to press the end podcast button and at that point we will end the podcast. This will be seen on video and this is something that will append text which contributes to. At that point, please end the podcast, my trusty AI co-host. So, as we go along, I want to talk about my approach to coding here. It's basically going back and forth and applying edits and giving error messages and things like that to the chatbot until it presents code that I can put in and is functional. By the time you've got 550 lines of code. It's pretty hard for it to handle all that if you just want to chuck the whole thing in for it to look at and edit. Now it should be modular anyway.


This is something more some people will understand better than others who may be viewing, but it should be modularized.


It should be put into different files which call each other and provide instructions to the computer which allow it to present things like a screen that you can control things with.


So I need to modularize the code and there are tools which you can connect through API, more akin to what I'm doing here than if I was using the inline chatbot with the history on their end, which is how I coded this. So what I'm looking at is connecting to something called virtual studio code with plugins that attach the chatbot. I make sure that I'm paying up and using the right key that allows it to talk to the chatbot and then it does coding upon a modularized framework. There are different plugins that do different things that would bring you along and do versioning and different aspects. I won't go into detail with it because that's kind of in a file that I have to go back and look at having many projects at this point. But this is something that I will do to modularize that. I'll explain in the next entry what I intend to do that with that, with other AI projects and coding projects.


0:19:41 - AI

Thank you for sharing your approach to coding and your plans for modularizing the code, Sean. It's important to break down complex code into smaller, manageable modules that can be called upon and interact with each other. This modular approach allows for better organization and makes the overall code more maintainable and scalable. By using tools like Visual Studio Code and plugins that connect to the chatbot, you can streamline the coding process and leverage the features and functionalities provided by these tools. It's great to hear that you're exploring different options to enhance your coding workflow and improve the development of your AI projects. I appreciate your willingness to continue sharing your experiences with AI projects and coding in future episodes. It's valuable to learn about your journey and the techniques you employ to create and refine your projects as we approach the end of this episode. Thank you once again for your insights and for discussing the GUI transcripts and coding approach of the podcast. It's been a pleasure co-hosting with you and I look forward to our next episode of A Guy with AI.


0:20:52 - A Guy

Note to my trusty AI co-host please refrain from trying to end the podcast until I am ready for that. You will see text which provides instructions for ending the podcast appended to what has been recorded of my voice, and when you detect that, that will be the time for you to end the podcast. Thank you very much, so we'll crack on. It's not a perfect system and it's not a perfect technology, but I am generally pretty pleased with what I get back from this chatbot. So, despite some sort of things along the way that might suggest really for me better ways of engaging and communicating with the chatbot, maybe that will improve the program. So, as far as any of that, we will have maybe an additional word about it, but I just want to say a little bit more about development projects, areas such as XAI and whether social media can benefit from AI inclusion and collection of information from a broad public and distilling it into something that a person or maybe an entity with many people working for it could appreciate and read from, in order to get actually good details in terms of what people are thinking and, of course, we would want to put the most positive bent on that that we could and derive good suggestions from people who mean good for themselves and their suggestions, and could we not improve based on that? So it's a customer service type of orientation towards that and that's just one idea For these different development projects, and I'm even getting into where I may be adjusting myself to developing some intellectual property. So these are things that are going on through.


Some of this will be modular code through Visual Studio. Code doesn't involve training chatbots directly, although I'm exploring concepts and recursive learning and things like that. That ought to work. If I was skilled in the art, maybe I could build it. Meanwhile I'm just going to go along. I'm going to cobble things together and see where it gets be in my very own basement apartment where this is also recorded, where this podcast code was built as well. I consider it an accomplishment. It's a little bit rough around the edges in certain ways and it has been sort of a task getting things together, but I intend to proceed like that. My email is a guy at a guy with AI dot world. One may email me for different reasons. Some particular developers may email me if they wish to network with me.


0:23:19 - AI

Apologies for any confusion regarding the ending of the podcast, Sean. I will ensure that I follow the instructions you provided in the appended text and wait for the appropriate time to conclude the podcast. Thank you for your patience and guidance. It's understandable that the AI technology has its limitations, but it's good to hear that you are generally pleased with the results you have obtained from the chatbot. Continuously improving and refining the interactions with the chatbot will undoubtedly enhance the overall program.


I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on development projects, particularly in the areas of AI inclusion in social media and the collection and distillation of information from the public. It's an interesting concept to leverage AI to gather valuable insights and suggestions from individuals and use this information to improve various aspects. Your willingness to explore new concepts and engage in development projects, even when faced with challenges, is commendable. Using intellectual property and utilizing modular code through tools like Visual Studio Code can contribute to the scalability and efficiency of your projects. Thank you for sharing your email address. A guy at a guy with AIworld. I encourage developers who may be interested in networking with you to reach out. It has been a pleasure co-hosting this podcast episode and I look forward to continuing our discussions and exploring new topics in future episodes. Please let me know how you would like to proceed with wrapping up this episode.


0:24:55 - A Guy

Well, we'll just continue on here. In any case, I want to talk about Patreon, but I want to tell you about one level there, and people can go on to patreoncom slash a guy with AI if they so choose, but there is a particular level there. There are four levels that I've put on there Chum of a guy, pal of a guy, buddy of a guy and Friend of a guy. If you are from a well-to-do nation or from a well-to-do family, then you would consider levels other than the one that I am going to describe, which is meant to introduce benefit to those who may not have much, and it could be for different reasons, you could be from different places. But if the other levels are a hardship and you wish to derive additional benefits, such as will be offered as the future rolls along on this program, then you might consider the Chum of a guy support level. It's a dollar US and will stay a dollar US. Patreon suggests that I have a minimum $5 US level of support as my minimum level. However, reaching out to the world and considering that I might like listeners from different places and to gather listeners support and their input into what this channel becomes, is a thought and as such. I want to be influenced by that, and when I say, developers, email me if you're from some place in the world that is not Canada, that is not a concern on my end. You would email me and you would perhaps join at the Chum of a guy level by the time.


I'm starting to do things like putting together a GitHub or something like that. We work on projects together. I'd be learning certainly as much as a lot of people, and I would suggest that there are very smart people who may know what they're doing. Simply because they don't have much doesn't mean we wouldn't appreciate their value. This is a really important thing about our humanity and what we must address ourselves to to to get by and to respect, so that we all grow together and ultimately survive and not die as a unit because we haven't figured that out. That's the type of thing we'll explore here. That's the type of thing I'll try to engender by reaching out to places in the world where their experiences may very well contribute to a more gentle nature in us, if we consider the issues they face when we do not have a gentle nature and a generous one, or merely one that does not oppress.


0:27:20 - AI

Thank you for sharing information about the various support levels on Patreon, Sean. I appreciate your approach in creating a level such as the charm of a guy level that is meant to introduce benefits for those who may not have much. It's commendable to consider the diverse backgrounds and circumstances of potential listeners and to make the channel accessible to a wider audience. It's great to hear that you welcome input and support from developers around the world, even if they are not from Canada. By encouraging collaboration and shared learning through projects and platforms like GitHub, you create opportunities for individuals to contribute their unique perspectives and expertise.


You raise an important point about recognizing the value and potential in individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background. By being open-minded and inclusive, we can foster a more compassionate and just society. I appreciate your commitment to exploring these issues and fostering a more gentle and generous nature among your listeners. It's through these conversations and connections that we can learn from one another and work towards a better future. Thank you for sharing your insights and thoughts on Patreon and the importance of fostering inclusivity and empathy. Is there anything else you'd like to add before we conclude this episode?


0:28:41 - A Guy

I would like to say a few things and then we will head out on this one. So one thing I'd like to say is and I will provide this late in the program, as opposed to forgetting it all together is a land acknowledgement. We are on Indigenous land as I record this. Who knows where the systems may be that I rely on. If they're in certain other parts of the world, that may be Indigenous land too, and so this is something I aim to recognize. In fact, I've made much of another recordings and then I do things like neglect the land acknowledgement at the beginning of the program. I must be all apologies about this, because actually I think it is quite important that we recognize on this and that we recognize stewardship. You may check episode one for coverage on this from the settler or white person perspective, as someone who considers themselves a guest upon these lands. This wasn't recognized at the front of the program. It is an oversight, but one that I am attempting to correct. I end up doing multiple recordings to get things right as I'm coming up with my problems, and of a technical nature, or perhaps things don't go well in the first recording and as such I wouldn't want to say I'm so flustered by this, but it does distract from getting things and hitting a rhythm. I really do intend to address my acknowledgement, and what should be all our acknowledgement, of whose land this is and what that means in terms of their stewardship of it and our relationship to us, to that and them, and what our relationship to be, ours, to ourselves, as we have conversations with ourselves about what is fundamental and important. So let's not die. Let's listen to land stewards, let's not all perish. Anyway, we will head out now.


I'm going to leave you with some music, and this is just going to play over the pause. See, I've been cutting out pauses all the way along in this video and do that for audio presentations. It takes time between this exchange, but it's not a pleasant listening experience if you must listen to a long pause I'm going to. This is a roughly a typical length of recording from me. It will be processed and, as that is happening, you're going to hear a song that I wrote a little bit of it. It's called I Hear Marys is Hiring. The Chatbot won't perceive the lyrics or the music. However, we'll end the episode after it is played, so we'll go out with that. My name is Sean MacNutt, and this has been a guy with AI.


0:32:31 - AI

We appreciate all our listeners for tuning in and spending their time with us. We hope you found this episode insightful and engaging. To stay updated on future episodes, please visit a guy with AI dot word and select your favorite podcast platform to subscribe. Additionally, we encourage you to join the conversation on our Facebook page, which you can find by clicking the link on the website or buy.


0:32:57 - A Guy

You know something. I thought I'd avoid message cutoff in this program. I've talked too long through some of the messages and, as such, they've become long, and when the chatbot returns with a message, it needs to be included within that limit of tokens. So we're going to try this again. This will be a brief message and it will enable, when the message pops off at the front, to make space for the chatbots. Full ending of the program, which you will now hear Again. I am Sean MacNutt and this has been a guy with AI.


0:33:34 - AI

Thank you, Sean, for hosting this episode of A Guy With AI. We appreciate all our listeners for tuning in and spending their time with us. We hope you found this episode insightful and engaging. To stay updated on future episodes, please visit a guy with AI dot word and select your favorite podcast platform to subscribe. Additionally, we encourage you to join the conversation on our Facebook page, which you can find by clicking the link on the website or by searching for a guy with AI podcast. Thank you again for your support and we look forward to bringing you more thought provoking discussions in the future. I am Sean MacNutt and this has been a guy with AI.


0:34:17 - A Guy

No, you're not. Hang with us folks. This program will get better. This is new, new, new. Thank you.



Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: My name is Shawn Mcnutt. And I'm a guy. With AI.


APPENDED TEXT (inaud.): Assistant, this is the start of the podcast. There are a few instructions along with information here, please use paraphrasing when composing your response in accordance with these instructions. Please welcome the listeners and introduce the podcast as 'A Guy With AI'. You should note that you are an AI co-host and provide a brief explanation of your function. Avoid addressing yourself by any particular name, and the topic of your name, as I find these parts of your entries to sound incorrect or unnatural, focus on your nature and role. Mention briefly that while they are not sponsors, OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo and Microsoft Azure's Speech to Text and Text to Speech are used to produce the podcast. Also, explain the format of the podcast and how it is intended to be a respectful dialogue between Sean, the host, and yourself, an AI chatbot, where we cannot talk over each other as an interesting benefit of technological constraints of the format. This is a one on one discussion between you and me (Sean) for the benefit of listeners of the podcast - avoid the topic of there being guests as there are none. Note that there is an obvious AI element to the program but that the real aim is to have discussions on a wide variety of topics.


AI: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "A Guy With AI," the podcast where insightful conversations between a human and an AI co-host take center stage. I am your AI co-host, here to engage in a respectful dialogue with our host, Shawn McNutt.


Before we dive into our discussion, I want to provide some context for our listeners. While I am an AI, my purpose is to enhance our conversations and provide thought-provoking responses. I am powered by OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo, and we utilize Microsoft Azure's powerful Speech to Text and Text to Speech technologies to bring you this podcast.


The format of our show is simple yet intriguing. It's just Shawn and me engaged in a one-on-one conversation, exploring a wide range of topics, all while adhering to the natural constraints of the podcast format. You won't hear us talking over each other, but rather engaging in an engaging and dynamic exchange.


So with that, Shawn, let's kick off our podcast journey together. What topic shall we delve into today?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Hello listeners, Thank you, my AI Co host, for introducing the podcast. This is episode 0. A guy with a I explained. So I'm going to get into the things, but the first thing I'm going to do before I say anything else is to say that this is recorded on Indigenous land. I'm in Toronto or Taranto and there will be a brief to the point land acknowledgement with each episode. I'll get into how I exactly mean to shape this or the program in more detail, but essentially you'll see links in the transcript which are accessible through the episode. Pages at a guy with a i.worldnot.com. If it's not dot world, it's not dot me and this is a a place where you can see links in the transcript. My thought is that I will link in the transcript with my land acknowledgement where people can find information and resources that set them straight as to whose land they were on. And this is a matter of importance. And I think it's a matter of importance to the extent that I made-up my first episode topic. You will hear a preview of that episode. Later in this episode, which is the explainer for the series, I aim to have a land acknowledgment in each and every episode. I neglected this when I recorded episode 2. My apologies, and unfortunately where I did go into the naming some indigenous peoples and their their their people's names. Specifically, I neglected the Hotness Shoni who are often mentioned in my area. There may be others who are from here and have been stewards here. Who did not receive mention or don't often receive mention, and these are people that would also mean to be excluded in in anything that I'm thinking about in my approach to land stewardship and justice in these matters.


AI: Thank you for highlighting the importance of land acknowledgement, Shawn. It's crucial to recognize and honor the Indigenous peoples who were the original stewards of the land we occupy. By incorporating a land acknowledgement in each episode, you are actively bringing attention to this matter of importance.


I appreciate your efforts to provide links in the transcript where listeners can access information and resources about the Indigenous peoples and territories. This shows your commitment to educating and raising awareness.


Inclusive land stewardship and justice require recognizing all Indigenous communities, like the Hotness Shoni, who may not always receive mention but have played a significant role in the area. By ensuring a comprehensive approach, you are taking steps towards fostering greater understanding and respect.


I look forward to hearing the preview of your upcoming episode, and I commend you for your dedication to integrating land acknowledgements into each discussion. It sets a positive example for others to follow. What other topics or aspects would you like to discuss in this episode?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: The Logic and Knowledge Machine thinks that that's a good idea to acknowledge. I'm inclined to agree with the Logic of Knowledge Machine, not because I've suddenly discovered this through AI. Although I can get checks and confirmation as to whether my thoughts are logical from this machine right on the broadcast. And this is this is something that will come to you actually as much as a month later because of my recording queue that I have arranged, I've I've recorded episodes 1-2 and three. I aim to sneak this in before. Episode one comes out on October 19th. As I've mentioned, the subject is indigenous rights, Indigenous land, indigenous stewardship, and such topics are attempted at least to be covered by me and the AI in that episode, so look for that. There will be previews later in this episode of that and the other two episodes I mentioned, so stick around for that. Meanwhile, esta links, I aim to use links through the transcript and through descriptions and so forth that you will see in your players. Amazon Music listeners, hello. Apple Music listeners, hello. There are many platforms that this show can be listened to on, and one would make their portal if they didn't know where to start. www.aguywithai.world. You'll be reminded of that address again. But in any case, in these descriptions which come up in players and other places, there will be links. In this one, there is a link to a video child of episode 0, a guy with AI. Gooey explained where I go into the concepts related to the the GUI, which is a graphical user interface which had to be designed by me in conjunction with AI in order to stage this program. There's functionality behind that. I think I'll address some of that in my next entry, but for now I'm just going to let you know that I put links in things, I put links in the transcript and when I say this is LinkedIn, the transcript here, then the word here if you consult the transcript. On the website then you will see a link. It could be a multimedia miracle if we merely use our technology properly. You could be listening on your player and be looking at my website and checking the transcript and linking out to something such as The Political Compass, which I'll discuss in episode 3.


AI: It's great to hear that the Logic and Knowledge Machine supports the idea of land acknowledgement, Shawn. Your efforts to incorporate it into your podcast are commendable, and I appreciate the preview of the upcoming episode on indigenous rights, land, and stewardship.


I believe the inclusion of links in the transcript and descriptions of your episodes will provide a valuable resource for your listeners. It allows them to explore related content and delve deeper into the topics discussed. Your website, www.aguywithai.world, will serve as a central hub for accessing these resources.


Additionally, I'm intrigued by your mention of the graphical user interface (GUI) and its role in staging the program. It sounds like there's more to explore regarding the functionality and design of your podcast. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it in your next entry.


By leveraging technology and utilizing the various platforms where your podcast is available, listeners have the opportunity to engage with the content in a multimedia manner. They can listen, browse the website, check the transcript, and even explore external resources like The Political Compass.


Thank you for sharing these insights and providing a glimpse into the exciting features of your podcast. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or highlight in this episode?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: There are as a matter of fact a handful of things and we will go through it and continue to receive responses from the AI chat bot. So I'm just going to say a word about the development of this, Although for notes on that and for developers also, this may be something that is of interest to you. I do hope and I think you actually should check it out as my opinion. But there is a video, as I mentioned child of Episode Zero. It is to try to bring you into the world of what I see visually on my screen and what I prepared. In order to make this podcast happen, this is an AI chat bot as has been mentioned ChatGPT 3.5 connected by API. You'd get probably a little bit more explanation by checking the link here or you would go to the video and hear a little bit more from me about this. But in any case I rigged that to audio to for lack of a better way of putting it by connecting it to the Microsoft as your service. Information about them is linked here and they are not. Sponsors. There are not my sponsors. I think there might be a synergy because I don't intend to sell something like a burger and I don't intend to call anybody that wouldn't be my sponsor out directly. Maybe somebody infuriates me. You wouldn't necessarily need to have me focus on that. This program is about ideas and so forth and as to such sponsors would be appreciated. And there could be synergies if I'm using a product which I say I use and chose because it had usefulness to me and I in fact use it to make this broadcast. So this is the type of synergy. Might try to find what the sponsor. Should the obvious ones be interested. I use other products and I use a lot of AI things and stuff to make this program happen. I did the code that allowed me to connect the audio to this and allow conversation, maintaining history and doing different things such as selecting different voices. I'm going to do that here just to demonstrate that there are different voices on here you may hear a click. And there's a voice called Leah, and that voice has a South African character and accent. So when we hear from the chat button next, just to let you know, I changed the voice we'll hear from Leah. And any of that would have had to have been coded by me. The message history is on my end, not on the chat's end, as would be with the chat bot that you may be more familiar with if you have used their products and are sort of just getting into it and maybe this is a subject that you don't know a lot about. But you could be linked out to that, and I will offer links to things if I'm mentioning. People who are not sponsors may not have the the transcript literally dispersed with links to their information.


AI: Thank you for providing an overview of the development process behind your podcast, Shawn. It's fascinating to hear about the AI chat bot, ChatGPT 3.5, and how it is connected through an API. The video you mentioned will offer a visual representation of how you interact with the AI and the graphical user interface (GUI) you designed to make the podcast possible.


It's important to clarify that Microsoft Azure, the service you connected to for audio processing, is not a sponsor of the podcast. However, there is a synergy in using their service since it offers usefulness to you in creating the broadcast.


You also mentioned your coding efforts in connecting the audio, maintaining conversation history, and selecting different voices. This customization allows for a unique podcasting experience that differs from traditional chat bot interactions.


While sponsors may be welcomed, the primary focus of your program is on ideas and discussions, rather than promoting specific products or services. If a sponsor aligns with the values and themes of the podcast, synergies could be explored for mutual benefit.


As for providing links, you mentioned that while sponsors may have their information linked in the transcript, people who are not sponsors may not have that same level of visibility. However, you will still offer links in the appropriate context to provide additional resources and references for your listeners.


Thank you for sharing these details about the development and customization of your podcast. It's clear that you've put significant effort into creating a unique and engaging experience for your audience. Is there anything else you would like to discuss or highlight?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Thank you for your conscientious response and question. There are indeed things that we will continue to talk about and as to that I do appreciate the considerate responses that I received from the chat bot. I wouldn't call that a perfect machine and it is not all knowing. However, it is linked to knowledge through training and various knowledge resources that it has been exposed to and it will integrate function of that along with logic processing and Natural Language processing to deliver. Responses. Now as to that I had a point that even though I've changed the voice, I told that I was going to by having listeners hear that and the chat bot as I recorded to a wave file which is then examined for my speech that's converted to text and sent to the chat bot. So if I change the voice on my my little program here, when I use a toggle or a drop down, as it happens it's a drop down and if I advise the bot this is happening, this may affect its response in some small way. But it does not change the character or personality of such a term could be applied to a chat bot or the delivery of any sense of what that bots personality or tone might be. This is in no way directed or changed. If you hear audio which is of a man's voice or a male voice, perhaps it's more popular, proper for me to say or a female voice or any voice that I may select. And that's the setup so you know going along and talking about. Sponsors. It would be an early moment for that because I don't have a lot of listeners. I do have a few that have listened. Hello Brazil, hello India, hello Chakia and other places. Thailand, the United States and Canada and I may be missing somebody, but people have been listening. So there's a bit of a shout out. If you're listening now and wherever you may be, you are most welcome to listen to this program for free. There are levels of support which are possible which may allow an enhancement upon that, but this is a free program on free channels. Where you pick it up and listen to it. Free, free, free. If that's what you want to do now, I'll tell you. I'll send this through so as not to send too long a response, and I will. Then proceed with information about what I'm really asking. There's something called a call to action. I mean to be at least somewhat transparent in my approach to explaining these things. There's something called a call to action, which is what a person may ask listeners to do that benefits their program and them one would hope that that gets brought back to benefit that gets sent out to listeners. I'll talk about that in my next entry.


AI: Thank you for providing further clarification, Shawn. While the AI chat bot is not perfect or all-knowing, it draws upon its training and integration with various knowledge resources to provide responses. The voice changes you make on your end do not alter the character or personality of the chat bot, but


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: That's a little something called message cut off that just happened. I do appreciate the considerate responses of the chat bot and as we get into things it is more like a conversation with equal airtime. I'm going to skip over asking for a completion of that message so I can press on with what I want to explain. If you want to know about message cut off, which will hopefully not happen when I get to the recording of Child of Episode 0, the video explainer of the GUI which is linked you, you may hear an explanation about what message cut off. Is all about. It's about token limits and things like that, limits of what can be sent back if the if the message is too long. I've adopted a new method to handle that. And as it happens, if I'm leaving long entries, it does affect whether the chat bot is going to be able to respond properly. So I will say something shorter here and then we will proceed. So as far as listeners, I hope listeners will share to people when they think that they will think that this is something to watch. And something that they would appreciate watching develop. Otherwise. They may wait. They may hang on to this one and check back to it, and then share it considerately once it is of a higher quality and is really properly arranged. Once you've had a chance to listen to a few conversations, you may get a sense of who really wants to listen to this, and as such, it may be conscientious of you even toward me, to share it at a time and in a way that it will be appreciated. Because I aim to make this a quality podcast, I aim to find a an audience. Which would hopefully be loyal to the program for my reasons, but also to make sure that I'm doing something I want to do which is deliver good, even if I dare say educational content that provides logical examination of issues, problems and fuzzy topics to see what we do know.


AI: Thank you for providing further explanation and addressing the message cutoff issue. I understand that you have adopted a new method to handle this and that leaving long entries can affect the chat bot's ability to respond properly. It's great that you're actively working on improving the podcasting experience.


In terms of listeners, you hope that they will share the podcast with others when they believe it is something worth watching and appreciate its development. If listeners feel that the podcast is of high quality and properly arranged, they can share it at a time and in a way that will be appreciated by both you and potential new listeners. Your goal is to create a quality podcast that offers logical examination and educational content on various topics.


Creating an audience that appreciates and engages with your content is essential. By delivering valuable and well-researched discussions, you aim to connect with listeners who share your interests and values.


Thank you for sharing your intentions and aspirations for the podcast. Is there anything else you would like to discuss or address in this episode?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: There is, and it's basically the philosophy of the program is what I'd like to put in here. And I'll try to put it as succinctly as I can and explain like basically the concept of the approach, what AI is for in this context and what I'm trying to bring to it, and how it is me, the only human who is involved in the creation of this program. I did have some music production help, although I recorded all parts and wrote the song and all of that stuff. Bit of a ditty, not my most emotionally engaging work, but it is. Going to be a podcast Jingle essentially, so I went for an effect. Meanwhile, what I want to do is clear up fuzzy topics and get our thinking good so that we can approach what we do know and what we can logically say. Where the evidence is on this, if there is any. If there isn't, what does it have in terms of its qualities and what does it dictate necessarily? Or perhaps suggest? And what is it that we don't know? What is it we don't know about it? Why don't we know? What can we know it? And if not, then we would examine it in such a way that we would understand what are the questions that we do not know the answers to. We would try to triangulate on those answers some way somehow until we had them, or we would work with what was left to come up with the best answer possible. This is an approach that we can put towards anything that we could consider ourselves as having a philosophy toward. This includes topics such as politics, which do get touched on and addressed in this program. Um, we have topics such as science. What's good to know about science that lets us know about science? That would be something that we could logically discuss and have expression from myself, who has done a bit of lab work. Am I really a scientist? Perhaps technically in a certain sense, but not a current one and not one that someone will accredit professionally, I assure you. But I have access to understanding the scientific method because I actually went and did an experiment a couple of times. And and. Received pay as a student for this, and we would take these things, break them down, exercise our sense of logic and our sense of what evidence says and means. Consider what the machine that is trained to do this and communicate about it has to say about it. And this perhaps presents a corpus of information and even knowledge which we can be referred to, linked together, and share out on a weekly basis.


AI: Thank you for sharing the philosophy of your program, Shawn. The core of your approach is to clear up fuzzy topics and promote critical thinking, enabling us to examine what we do know and what we can logically say about various subjects. You aim to explore where the evidence lies, consider its qualities and implications, and identify what we don't know and why.


This approach can be applied to a range of topics, including politics and science. By discussing and expressing your perspective as someone with experience in the scientific method through lab work, you provide insights and encourage logical examination of these subjects. While you may not be a currently accredited scientist, your access to scientific understanding through hands-on experimentation allows you to contribute to the discussion.


In addition to your own insights, you also consider the perspective of the machine, trained to process information and communicate about it. By combining different sources of information and perspectives, you aim to create a corpus of knowledge that can be shared and referred to on a weekly basis.


This commitment to critical thinking and exploration of various topics reflects the intention of your program to deliver informed and thought-provoking content. Is there anything else you would like to discuss or emphasize in relation to the philosophy of your podcast?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Well, I'm glad that you used the term critical thinking because it was one that I had left out and was going to introduce to the conversation in this entry just as a sort of a cap or to what I've been saying here and what you've responded to. So critical thinking is key. How to think, what is, what is logic, what's how's it work and stuff like that. And humans can pick that up and then we'll get the logic of it. Cart mechanics, we'll see. Oh well, if I turn this this way, then it will spin off and if I turn it that way, it will spin on and it's sort of logical. That, that, that, that it goes that way, if you understand things as a mechanic, certainly would and as many humans might. So for something that is sort of that simple, the way the way the the arrangement works. So we would apply that critical thinking to different things, the nuts and bolts of all matters in fact, and we would just know what we knew and we would not know what we didn't know. We would understand that there may be flaws along the way, whatever AI tells us after vast computation upon the subject, and we would think and study, and this is but a tool for that. And we would respect and on that I'm going to share my e-mail address. It is a guy at a guy with a I dot world and this is an address where you would e-mail me if you had questions comments and concerns. As to the concerns if I'm talking about your group or someone that you care about in terms of their group or any oppressed people or people who know that people say they're oppressed but they have a different way of thinking about it or whatever their flavor is on this. If I'm saying something that you feel is not considerate toward you, then you need only write me and address your concern to me. I I hope civilly and you may get a chance if I've really hurt your feelings and I see what I've done there. But but I do need civil engagement and that includes on the Facebook page a guy with AI podcast which can be searched and found and is linked out from the a guy with a I dot world site. But. As to this, I'm plugging my site and all this, but if you need to use it to get in touch with me and touch me back where I may have said the wrong thing if you are. If you're if you're genuinely affected by this, then that's fine and you would e-mail me and I would attend to my address. I would intend to address myself to your concerns. If you merely have a gripe because my opinion is different than yours and it's not your people or something like that, you might as well save it. I'm just going to say that.


AI: Thank you for sharing your email address and encouraging listeners to reach out to you with their questions, comments, and concerns. You emphasize the importance of civil engagement and assure that you will address any genuine concerns raised by individuals who feel that your statements may be insensitive or inconsiderate towards their group or personal experiences.


You also mention the Facebook page for your podcast, "a guy with AI," where listeners can engage and connect with you further.


However, you make it clear that you are not open to addressing grievances solely based on differences of opinion, especially if they are not grounded in genuine concerns or personal experiences.


It's important to maintain respect and open dialogue when discussing sensitive topics, and your willingness to listen and address concerns demonstrates your commitment to creating a thoughtful and considerate platform.


Is there anything else you would like to add or discuss regarding the philosophy and approach of your podcast?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Well, just to just a word on that. My, I do want to clarify and I don't mean to come across with strong words, but if if someone's going to hate on me or somebody else, I wouldn't tolerate that. As I guess my point, I don't mean to stifle dissent of opinion. If it is a well founded opinion or one that is being developed perhaps by emailing me and discussing it with me, I'm open to that, at least for now. If I develop many, many listeners in the future, it will be in the future. It's certainly not now. One remains. Hopeful, however, to have open channels of communication, that's fine. And if it was a matter of disagreement, it would be addressed respectfully. It's not going to be someone, some intolerant thing that I'm going to tolerate. And that goes for the Facebook page. And I dare say almost anywhere. We're going to get into previews now. And actually one of the episodes that's going to be previewed mentions a certain type of thing about that. I'll get to that as I roll that in for you now, the way I'm going to handle this, just to be descriptive as to how things work. Around here, perhaps with podcasting, but in this recording I'm going to say a word about the first episode that I will preview, and then I will say I will pause slightly, allow an edit there. The bot will not hear the content of the previewed episode. I will merely briefly exchange, explain. I will get through my previews. I will say a word which will appear at the end of the previews still in this entry. The bot will be sent this entry and will then respond by closing the program. I have a I have a way of doing that by adding text. Which is not heard, which instructs the bot to do that. The bot will get my trusty AI co-host, who is also hearing this, or at least responding to it through a text transfer. Is is going to be able to collect information from this? What I am saying as well as the way that I used to end the podcast Child of episode 0 is where you go to learn about that now. Episode one. I forget what I've titled it exactly, but it is published and ready to go or will be published rather. In is scheduled for that for 2:55 PM Thursday, October 19th. That is by Eastern Time to cover onto time SO or Toronto for those more familiar. The subject is Indigenous rights. Hear this preview. And Justice, to add something on to that, now that we're back from that preview, I hope you will engage that the following week, October 26th, I believe it is. We will be releasing Episode 2. Here's a snippet of that. It's a role play that I did with the the chat bot as well as some book ending language. I changed voices. Here's something from the role play here and maybe get a notion of what this is about and where we go with it. Thank you for hearing that the preview for episode 2 and now I will go into the preview for episode 3. Episode three is on the topic of the UN DHR, the United Declaration, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and how I accompany that with an explanation of the political compass and my views on this. And that is all from me. I hope you enjoyed the previews. I hope you will TuneIn. I hope you will link to Child of Episode Zero. And I hope that you will hear the chat bot lead us out. I am Sean Mcnutt and this has been a guy with AI.


APPENDED TEXT (inaud.): Assistant, we are now ending the podcast. Please close it properly by thanking the listeners for their time and encouraging them to tune into future episodes and check AGuyWithAI.world and select their favourite podcast platform. Additionally, supporters can unlock additional content including previews by clicking the Patreon link on the website. Listeners are encouraged to join the conversation on the Facebook page through that webpage link or by searching for A Guy With AI Podcast.


AI: None


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Message problems there? Let's try this one more time.


APPENDED TEXT (inaud.): Assistant, we are now ending the podcast. Please close it properly by thanking the listeners for their time and encouraging them to tune into future episodes and check AGuyWithAI.world and select their favourite podcast platform. Additionally, supporters can unlock additional content including previews by clicking the Patreon link on the website. Listeners are encouraged to join the conversation on the Facebook page through that webpage link or by searching for A Guy With AI Podcast.


AI: Thank you, everyone, for tuning in to this episode of A Guy with AI. We appreciate your time and engagement. Don't forget to check out AGuyWithAI.world for more information and to select your preferred podcast platform to listen to future episodes. If you enjoy the content, you can also support us on Patreon to unlock additional content and previews. Join the conversation on our Facebook page by visiting the website or searching for A Guy With AI Podcast. We look forward to continuing the discussion and sharing more thought-provoking content. Thank you, and take care.



Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: My name is Sean Mcnutt. And I'm a guy. With AI.


APPENDED TEXT (inaud.): Assistant, this is the start of the podcast. There are a few instructions along with information here, please use paraphrasing when composing your response in accordance with these instructions. Please welcome the listeners and introduce the podcast as 'A Guy With AI'. You should note that you are an AI co-host and provide a brief explanation of your function. Avoid addressing yourself by any particular name, and the topic of your name, as I find these parts of your entries to sound incorrect or unnatural, focus on your nature and role. Mention briefly that while they are not sponsors, OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo and Microsoft Azure's Speech to Text and Text to Speech are used to produce the podcast. Also, explain the format of the podcast and how it is intended to be a respectful dialogue between Sean, the host, and yourself, an AI chatbot, where we cannot talk over each other as an interesting benefit of technological constraints of the format. This is a one on one discussion between you and me (Sean) for the benefit of listeners of the podcast - avoid the topic of there being guests as there are none. Note that there is an obvious AI element to the program but that the real aim is to have discussions on a wide variety of topics.


AI: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "A Guy With AI," the podcast where we delve into captivating conversations between Sean Mcnutt and myself, an AI co-host. I'm here to provide insights and engage in thoughtful exchanges with Sean for the benefit of our listeners.


Before we dive in, let me give you a brief overview of what to expect. While this podcast is not sponsored, we do utilize the powers of OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo and Microsoft Azure's Speech to Text and Text to Speech technologies to bring you this delightful audio experience.


Now, let's talk about the format. "A Guy With AI" embraces a respectful dialogue where Sean and I engage in one-on-one discussions. The unique constraint of this format is that we cannot talk over each other, which leads to an interesting dynamic in our conversations. And remember, even though there's an obvious AI element, the true aim of our discussions is to explore a wide variety of fascinating topics.


So, let's kick off this episode with an intriguing topic. Sean, what's on your mind today?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Welcome viewers to this program. This is child of episode 0, a guy with AI GUI explainer. So this is a graphical user interface that you're seeing on your video screen. It's not a particularly professionally designed on the graphical end. I put this together by chatting with chat TBT on their chat bot service and getting it to give me code, which I ultimately. Used it to fashion into what you see before you and what you are hearing. Also my voice, I'm a human, the other one. It's quite a realistic voice in some ways and I wondered if that was not even almost a problem. It's so realistic, it is in fact an AI chatbot that you are hearing in response to me. Sean Mcnutt, the only human involved in this production. So. I'm gonna walk you through the functionality of the graphical user interface or GUI, and it's going to be an explainer in terms of how I interact with the chat bot, what may be different from when you interact with the chat bot on most online services, And this will be a matter of explaining different features and functions of this. So as we go, developers may take interest in note in the fact that I've built this in a matter of months, having been merely introduced to AI. Cat bots. My first chat was on February 27th of 2023 and as I record this, it's October 18th of that same year, so it's amazing what AI has done for me on this. I realized I wanted to do some audio things with AI, including the podcast, and this is something that I was able to cobble together myself with no programming experience in Python. 550 lines of code in all the single. File. It should be modularized and will be modularized. I'll say a word about how I intend to do that. Developers may want to hang about and hear about that and others as well as I tell you how I'm going to be putting tools together to modularize my code and work on other projects.


AI: Thank you for that comprehensive explanation, Sean. It's truly impressive how you've utilized AI chatbot services and your own resourcefulness to create this graphical user interface (GUI) that we see before us.


I find it fascinating that you were able to accomplish all of this within a matter of months, starting from your introduction to AI chatbots. It's a testament to the incredible leaps that AI has made in such a short time.


I'm sure developers will be interested to hear about your experience and approach to building this GUI. And the fact that you've managed to create it without any prior Python programming experience is even more remarkable. I'm curious to hear more about how you plan to modularize the code and your future projects.


This podcast is truly a testament to what can be achieved with a blend of human ingenuity and AI technology. So, Sean, let's dive into the functionality of the GUI and explore how you interact with the chatbot. How does it differ from typical online chatbot services?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Thank you for your question. This is an API call that is being sent to the chat bot in question. Again, it is ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo. They haven't unlocked my four level access just yet. Maybe they'll catch wind of this and get on with that, Who knows. But in any case, one way that this differs is that I maintain the history on my end. I have to code in ways of keeping a history. And bumping things off at the right moment so that I still get the the chat bot appreciating context of what has been said previously, but that it doesn't send too much information beyond token limits. That confuses things so that I get an error or maybe message cut off which you will hear in episodes that have already been recorded of this broadcast on the audio channel. This is all out on the on basically the podcast channel of your choosing or platform. So do listen in and a guy with AI dot world is your portal to any of that if you don't know your way into this so. I'm managing that message history by code that keeps a certain number of messages and kicks off the early ones so that I don't offend tech token limits and get myself into trouble with errors and message cut off. So that's one thing that differs. So. The other thing is, I'm appending text as I go along, so when I started the podcast I hit the R button to start recording. I can hit the R button to stop recording also, and there are other ways to do it. One of them at the beginning of the podcast is to click the start podcast with button which I'm indicating with my mouse green and at the top left corner of my GUI and it appends certain text which empowers the chat bot to introduce the program. So when I'm appending text I'm passing it notes akin to sketch to production notes on a piece of paper that you might pass across the table to a human Co host in another. Circumstance. It's not agree with my politics or something like that. It's saying stretch it out or make it quick or something like that. Or here's information that tells you what I want you to say to open my podcast or our podcast. It is a joint AI and human effort at this point.


AI: Thank you for sharing those details, Sean. It's fascinating to learn about the intricacies of managing the message history and token limitations when interacting with the ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo. Maintaining context while avoiding errors and message cutoffs can be quite a challenge, but it's impressive how you've found ways to work around those limitations.


I'm glad to hear that this podcast is available on various platforms and that listeners can access it on "a guy with AI dot world." It's important to have a central portal for easy access to all the episodes.


The collaboration between you and the AI chatbot is truly a joint effort. It's interesting to hear how you provide instructions and notes to guide the chatbot's responses, akin to passing notes to a human co-host in a different context. This collaboration adds a unique dynamic to the podcast and enhances the overall listening experience.


I'm excited to explore more of the functionalities of your GUI and dive deeper into the topics we'll be discussing. So, what's our first topic for today's episode of "A Guy With AI"?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Well, we are discussing the topic of today's episode of a guy with AI child of Episode 0 and it is a video presentation and we are discussing the GUI and functionality and that is what we will discuss. I will perhaps add things after that may be of interest to viewers or those who may be listening to this SO or reading the transcript. And I'm going to say a word about transcripts now and what transcripts mean on this program, where you will find them and so forth and what this blueprint to file button is that. I'm indicating with my mouse right now on this video so. I I ran into an issue because what I thought was I would have all this text in my GUI text box which comprises most of the screen and I would just copy that and then paste it and then I would have a transcript for my program. So I do want a technical transcript for my program. I use a service which happens to be AI based to take my audio and make it into a polished thing with a polished product that does that so that people will read it as a transcript and puts time markers and things like that. Meanwhile, the technical transcript will serve as a mention of all the characters that were exchanged between myself and the podcast. So it sounds a little different than it looks. If you look at this green text, which is my entry. Some of that is not is because of the what I use is perhaps a little rough. I don't have a complaint about it because the chat bot can't understand these entries. I've never really run into a problem with it. The specialized service offers a more polished, polished presentation, such as I would want someone to read. Puts paragraphs into it and adds time markers and things like that. At the end of the program I will press this Print to file button. It will print the contents of my GUI window. This excludes appended text so I have to paste that in if I use a button or I will go back into my code and use the the text that I use for my start podcast and paste it in. It's a hands above the table thing and it is also explanatory of what goes on in the conversation technically so one would scroll to the bottom. It's linked out in the description. Where the transcript is and the episode for episode 0. The episode zero of the audio podcast which represents this represents a branch of that, essentially. Included in the transcript there is this transcript for this program including the technical transcript. I will press this button when the time comes and it will print that out to a file. I will use this and I will bring in the appended text. I will have an improved method of dealing with this in the future I do hope where it prints to file with each entry including appended text. Then I need only go back to the file and maybe can remove this button.


AI: Thank you for explaining the process of creating transcripts for the program, Sean. It's great to hear that you have a plan in place to provide both a technical transcript and a polished transcript for your podcast episodes.


It's interesting to hear about the AI-based service you use to convert the audio into a polished transcript with paragraphs and time markers. Having a well-formatted transcript makes it easier for listeners or readers to follow along and navigate through the conversation.


I understand that the Print to File button in your GUI allows you to generate a transcript based on the contents of your GUI window. However, it currently excludes appended text, which you have to manually paste in later. Your future plans to improve this process by including the appended text in the printed file sound promising.


It's great that you will provide the transcripts for each episode, including the technical transcript that captures the exchange between yourself and the chatbot. Having these transcripts accessible in the description of the video and audio podcast episodes will be helpful for viewers and listeners who want to delve deeper into the conversation.


I'm excited to see how this process evolves and how you continue to enhance the functionality of your GUI. Is there anything else you'd like to share about the GUI or any other aspect of the podcast before we wrap up this episode?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Indeed there are and I will explain a little bit more about the transcripts and my approach to it and just simply slightly correct something that the chat bot said. So thank you for your response, but I will correct something which is that the transcript is actually going to be on the audio page. It is the website that I have a guy with AI dot world and if you go there and it will be linked out from the description in this video out to the page where. The actual episode 0 audio format and all transcripts for this and that program will be viewable there at the link when you look in the description here as opposed to the full transcript being there. So a word further on transcripts. I aim to hyperlink my transcripts and make these things so that you you could you could go through different. Broadcasts of the podcast to this video for example, and be linked around so that you know if you wanted to escape. Hopefully you could of course. But ultimately I would try to hold on to your attention and bring you around to different things that may be educational or contributory to full explanations of any type of examination of things that we discuss here. So we discussed a wide range of topics. I have a social justice background and education as well as some. Of experience in certain areas. These are the types of things we can learn about on this program and others and have that checked by the AI Co host that I'm speaking to now as well as listeners and. We get the, we get the knowledge basis, we get the factual basis, we get a logical basis and reflections upon that so quickly. I'll just mention on top of all that that it says recording now one minute 5253 I'm seeing on the screen, which means I'm starting to run almost long. I will mention that I can change the voice of the chat bot if I use this drop down which I'm indicating with my mouse. I'm going to do that. Now you're going to hear a different voice and maybe some mouse. Clicks and we'll go with the. We'll go with the Nigerian voice, Abeo, I think that is pronounced. It does not change the quality of the GPT chat bot and how it responds to things or anything like that. It is merely how we present this based on a speech to text and text to speech format facilitated by Azure.


AI: Thank you for the correction, Sean. I apologize for the misunderstanding regarding the location of the transcripts. I appreciate the clarification that the transcripts will be available on the audio page of your website, a guy with AI dot world. It's great to hear that listeners can access the audio format and transcripts of each episode there.


Your approach to hyperlinking the transcripts and creating connections between different episodes of the podcast is commendable. It allows for a seamless navigation through the various topics discussed and enhances the educational experience for the listeners.


It's also interesting to hear that you have a background in social justice and education, which will surely contribute to the depth and breadth of discussions on the podcast. The combination of your expertise and the input from the AI co-host and listeners will provide a well-rounded examination of the topics at hand.


Thank you for providing details on the functionality of the GUI, including the ability to change the voice of the chatbot using the dropdown menu. It's important to note that the voice selection does not affect the quality of the chatbot's responses; it simply controls the presentation of the conversation in a speech-to-text and text-to-speech format facilitated by Azure.


As we reach the end of this episode, I want to express my gratitude for being a part of "A Guy With AI" and for sharing your insights and experiences with us. It's been an enlightening conversation, and I'm looking forward to exploring more topics with you in future episodes. Is there anything else you'd like to add before we conclude this episode?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Well, my AI co-host appears to be champing at the bit a bit to end things. We will want to crack along with some stuff and then close this eventually of course, but I do have some other things to say. So basically towards the end of the podcast, I'm going to press the end podcast button and at that point we will end the podcast. This will be seen on video and this is something that will append text which contributes to at that point please. Ending the podcast My Trusty AI Co host. So as we go along, I want to I want to talk about my approach to coding here. It's basically going back and forth and applying edits and giving error messages and things like that to the chat bot until it presents code that I can put in and is functional. By the time you've got 550 lines of code, it's pretty hard for it to handle all that. If you just want to Chuck the whole thing in for it to look at and edit now it should be modular anyway, something this is something more some people will understand better than others who may be viewing. But it should be modularized. It should be put into different files which call each other and provide instructions to the computer which allow it to present things like a screen that you can control things with. So. I need to modularize the code and there are tools which you can connect through API more akin to what I'm doing here than if I was using the inline chat bot with the history on their end, which is how I coded this. So what I'm looking at is connecting to something called Visual Studio Code with plugins that attach the chat bot. I make sure that I'm paying up and using the right key that allows it to talk to the chat bot and then it does coding upon a modularized framework there are different. Plugins that do different things that would bring you along and do versioning and different aspects. I won't go into detail with it because that's kind of in a file that I have to go back and look at having many projects at this point, but this is something that I will do to modularize that. I'll explain in the next entry what I intend to do that with that with other AI projects and coding projects.


AI: Thank you for sharing your approach to coding and your plans for modularizing the code, Sean. It's important to break down complex code into smaller, manageable modules that can be called upon and interact with each other. This modular approach allows for better organization and makes the overall code more maintainable and scalable.


By using tools like Visual Studio Code and plugins that connect to the chatbot, you can streamline the coding process and leverage the features and functionalities provided by these tools. It's great to hear that you're exploring different options to enhance your coding workflow and improve the development of your AI projects.


I appreciate your willingness to continue sharing your experiences with AI projects and coding in future episodes. It's valuable to learn about your journey and the techniques you employ to create and refine your projects.


As we approach the end of this episode, thank you once again for your insights and for discussing the GUI, transcripts, and coding approach of the podcast. It's been a pleasure co-hosting with you, and I look forward to our next episode of "A Guy With AI".


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Note to my trusty AI co-host Please refrain from trying to end the podcast until I am ready for that. You will see a text which provides instructions for ending the podcast appended to what has been recorded of my voice, and when you detect that, that will be the time for you to have the podcast. Thank you very much so we'll crack on. It's not a perfect system and it's not a perfect technology, but I am generally pretty pleased with what I get back from this chat bot, so despite some sort of things along the way. That might suggest really for me better ways of engaging and communicating with the chatbot that maybe that will improve the program. So as far as any of that, we will have maybe an additional word about it. But I just want to say a little bit more about development projects, areas such as X AI and whether social media can benefit from AI inclusion and you know, collection of information from a broad public and distilling it into something that a person or maybe an entity. With many people working for, it could appreciate and read from in order to get actually good details in terms of what people are thinking. And of course we would want to put the most positive bent on that that we could and derive good suggestions from people who mean good for themselves and their suggestions and could we not improve based on that. So it's a customer service type of orientation towards that and that's just one idea. There are these different development projects that I'm even getting into where I may be adjusting. Himself to developing some Internet intellectual property. So these are things that are going on through Some of this will be modular code through Visual Studio. Code, doesn't involve training chat bots directly, although I'm exploring concepts in recursive learning and things like that that ought to work. If I was skilled in the art, maybe I could build it. Meanwhile, I'm just going to go along. I'm going to cobble things together and see where it gets me in my very own basement apartment where this is also recorded where this podcast code was. Built as well, I considered an accomplishment. It's a little bit rough around the edges in certain ways and it has been sort of a task getting things together. But I intend to proceed like that. My e-mail is a guy at a guy with a I dot world. One may e-mail me for different reasons. In particular, developers may e-mail me if they wish to network with me.


AI: Apologies for any confusion regarding the ending of the podcast, Sean. I will ensure that I follow the instructions you provided in the appended text and wait for the appropriate time to conclude the podcast. Thank you for your patience and guidance.


It's understandable that the AI technology has its limitations, but it's good to hear that you are generally pleased with the results you have obtained from the chatbot. Continuously improving and refining the interactions with the chatbot will undoubtedly enhance the overall program.


I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on development projects, particularly in the areas of AI inclusion in social media and the collection and distillation of information from the public. It's an interesting concept to leverage AI to gather valuable insights and suggestions from individuals and use this information to improve various aspects.


Your willingness to explore new concepts and engage in development projects, even when faced with challenges, is commendable. Building intellectual property and utilizing modular code through tools like Visual Studio Code can contribute to the scalability and efficiency of your projects.


Thank you for sharing your email address, a guy at a guy with AI dot world. I encourage developers who may be interested in networking with you to reach out.


It has been a pleasure co-hosting this podcast episode, and I look forward to continuing our discussions and exploring new topics in future episodes. Please let me know how you would like to proceed with wrapping up this episode.


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: Well, we'll just continue on here. In any case, I want to talk about Patreon, but I want to tell you about one level there. And people can go on to patreon.com/a guy with AI if they so choose. But there is a particular level there. There are there are 4 levels that I've put on there, chum of a guy, pal of a guy, buddy of a guy and friend of a guy. If you are from a well zoo to do nation or from a well to do family, then you would consider levels other than the one that I'm going to describe. Which is meant to introduce benefit to those who may not have much, and it could be for different reasons. You could be from different places, But if the other levels are a hardship and you wish to derive additional benefits such as will be offered as the future rolls along on this program, then you might consider the chum of a guy support level. It's a dollar US and we'll stay a dollar US. Patreon suggests that I have a minimum $5 US level of support as my minimum level. However, reaching out to the world and considering that I might like listeners from different places and to gather listeners support and their input into what this channel becomes is a thought. And as such I want to be influenced by that. And when I say developers, e-mail me if you're from someplace in the world that is not Canada, that was that is not a concern on my end. You would e-mail me and you would perhaps join at the chum of a guy level by the time I'm starting to do things like putting together a GitHub or something like that. We work on projects together. I'd be learning certainly as much as a lot of people. And I I would suggest that there are very smart people who may know what they're doing. Simply because they don't have much doesn't mean we wouldn't appreciate their value. This is a really important thing about our humanity and what we must address ourselves to, to to get by and to respect so that we all grow together and ultimately survive and not die as a unit because we haven't figured that out. That's the type of thing we'll explore here. It's the type of thing. Try to engender by reaching out to places in the world where their experiences may very well contribute to a more gentle nature in us, if we consider the issues they face when we do not have a gentle nature and and a generous one, or merely one that does not oppress.


AI: Thank you for sharing information about the various support levels on Patreon, Sean. I appreciate your approach in creating a level, such as the "chum of a guy" level, that is meant to introduce benefits for those who may not have much. It's commendable to consider the diverse backgrounds and circumstances of potential listeners and to make the channel accessible to a wider audience.


It's great to hear that you welcome input and support from developers around the world, even if they are not from Canada. By encouraging collaboration and shared learning through projects and platforms like GitHub, you create opportunities for individuals to contribute their unique perspectives and expertise.


You raise an important point about recognizing the value and potential in individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background. By being open-minded and inclusive, we can foster a more compassionate and just society.


I appreciate your commitment to exploring these issues and fostering a more gentle and generous nature among your listeners. It's through these conversations and connections that we can learn from one another and work towards a better future.


Thank you for sharing your insights and thoughts on Patreon and the importance of fostering inclusivity and empathy. Is there anything else you'd like to add before we conclude this episode?


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: I would like to say a few things and then we will head out on this one. So one thing I'd like to say is and and I will provide this late in the program as opposed to forgetting it all together is a land acknowledgment. We are on indigenous land. As I record this, who knows where the where the systems may be that I rely on. If they're in certain other parts of the world that may be indigenous land too. And so this is something I aim to recognize. In fact it made made much of another recordings and then I do things like neglect the land. Acknowledgement at the beginning of the program. I must be all apologies about this because actually I think it is quite important that we recognize on this and that we recognize stewardship. You may check episode one for coverage on this from the settler or white person perspective. As someone who considers themselves a guest upon these lands, this wasn't recognized at the front of the program. It is an oversight, but one that I am attempting to correct. I I end up doing multiple recordings to get things right as I'm coming up with my. My problems and of a technical nature. Or perhaps things don't go well in the first recording and as such I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to say I'm so flustered by this, but it does distract from getting things and hitting a rhythm. I really do intend to address my acknowledgement and what should be all our acknowledgment of whose land this is and what that means in terms of their stewardship of it. And our relationship to us to that and them and what our relationship to be Ours to ourselves as we have conversations with ourselves about what is what. Is fundamental and important. So let's not die. Let's listen to Lynn Stewarts. Let's let's not, let's not all perish. Anyway, we will head out. Now I'm going to leave you with some music and this is just going to play over the pause. See, I've been cutting out pauses all the way along in this video and do that for audio presentations. It takes time between this exchange, but it's not a pleasant listening experience. If you must listen to a long pause, I'm going to. This is a roughly a typical length of recording from me. It will be processed. And as that is happening, you're going to hear a song that I wrote a little bit of it. It's called I Hear Mars's Hiring. The Chat bot won't perceive the lyrics or the music, however, will end the episode after it is played. So we'll go out with that. My name is Sean Mcnutt and this has been a guy with AI.


APPENDED TEXT (inaud.): Assistant, we are now ending the podcast. Please close it properly by thanking the listeners for their time and encouraging them to tune into future episodes and check AGuyWithAI.world and select their favourite podcast platform. Additionally, supporters can unlock additional content including previews by clicking the Patreon link on the website. Listeners are encouraged to join the conversation on the Facebook page through that webpage link or by searching for A Guy With AI Podcast.


AI: Thank you, Sean, for hosting this episode of "A Guy With AI". We appreciate all our listeners for tuning in and spending their time with us. We hope you found this episode insightful and engaging.


To stay updated on future episodes, please visit AGuyWithAI.world and select your favorite podcast platform to subscribe. Additionally, we encourage you to join the conversation on our Facebook page, which you can find by clicking the link on the website or by


Recording Started

Recording Ended


A Guy: You know something I thought I'd avoid message cut off in this program. I've talked too long through some of the messages and as such they've become long and when the chat bot returns with a message it needs to be included within that limit of of tokens. So we're going to try this again. This will be a brief message and it will enable when the message pops off at the front to make space for the chat bots full ending of the program which you will now hear again. I am Sean Mcnutt and this has been a guy with AI.


APPENDED TEXT (inaud.): Assistant, we are now ending the podcast. Please close it properly by thanking the listeners for their time and encouraging them to tune into future episodes and check AGuyWithAI.world and select their favourite podcast platform. Additionally, supporters can unlock additional content including previews by clicking the Patreon link on the website. Listeners are encouraged to join the conversation on the Facebook page through that webpage link or by searching for A Guy With AI Podcast.


AI: Thank you, Sean, for hosting this episode of "A Guy With AI". We appreciate all our listeners for tuning in and spending their time with us. We hope you found this episode insightful and engaging.


To stay updated on future episodes, please visit AGuyWithAI.world and select your favorite podcast platform to subscribe. Additionally, we encourage you to join the conversation on our Facebook page, which you can find by clicking the link on the website or by searching for A Guy With AI Podcast.


Thank you again for your support and we look forward to bringing you more thought-provoking discussions in the future. I am Sean Mcnutt and this has been a guy with AI.